Tuesday, May 3, 2011


決定了, 我沒有錢,可還是破釜沈舟地訂了29號才回香港的歐洲機票.


是這樣的,在Year 1 時,跟朋友去內地旅行, 然後在車站的餐廳遇見了一個高大外國的男人,由於言語問題,他跟侍應根本溝通不了. 於是便前去幫忙, 他連忙道謝,他是一個埃及人,少年時移居美國,在那裡落地生根. 在美國有一家動物診所,兒子在讀醫, 女兒在讀藥劑, 最後,他把在美國的聯絡方法寫給我, 叮囑我保持聯絡.

於是, 我們便以電郵聯絡,有了facebook, 更能知道大家的近況. 知道,他喜歡旅行, 去了印度, Central east asia 旅行拍照, 當然還有南美的巴西, 秘魯, 非洲的somali, 拍風景, 拍人物, 很美,是讓人看了後, "哇, 我想去那裡" 的美; 很知性,是那種"哇, 原來有這樣一種文化" 的啟發...


Dearest Chau
Thank you so so much for the trust that I could be your fellow traveler,its always nice of you to give me this honor. Actually in 4 weeks I am heading for Nanda Devi in western Himalaya and focusing on buddhism in the area and wandering also in Indian kashmir ,then crossing the border to pakistan heading for Chitral where the kalash tribes at the base of the Hindukush.

I hired a relief veterinarian the whole month for 750 US dollar per day ,instead of leaving the hospital without a Vet.I really wanted to share with you any kind of big adventure because I trust you and I respect you too .I do not like to promise but I will ask this vet if he can do me a favor,and work this time you wanted me to share.If the answer is yes I hope I can met you in Frankfort airport and I 'll be renting a VW and attend together this meeting ,then if you accept I can take you to Vienna where I wrote my PhD and Italy specially Venice then back to Frankfort. If I could not then let us hope each other well and many chances will come , take care and all the love.


看到這樣的電郵, 一個人可以用每天750USD 的價錢去買時間與你同遊, 你會覺得這個人信得過.
來到這裡, 又有另一個的flashback :

在墨西哥跟德國 Merlin 一起吃晚餐, 當中大家都在談各自旅行的一些經歷. 他的拍檔, Lukas說, 他最記得的在年少清狂時(其實他也不過是30出頭),在旅途中,有一個老頭說, 包Lukas 和他朋友的所有費用,請他們一同與他歐遊.

看著老頭的財富,看著他那架的BMW,Lukas 說, 覺得老頭很猥褻,是那種phedophile 的可怖.於是他們拒絕了. 那老頭只好轉身離去,只是在走了幾步後, 再轉過身來, 他佝僂的身軀停在風中,給了Lukas至今仍歷歷在目的表情:皺著眉,眼裡是被拒絕, 被否定的受傷。 (Lukas was acting the way that the old man looked.)

"With that look, I felt bad. I have hurt the old man. He is just a lonely old guy who wants a company to travel, to fulfill his last days on earth. But I treated him like shit. I regretted it so much. And till now, I can still remember that look." Lukas said.

Nour 一起歐遊的邀請叫我想起了這個故事. 於是我回信告訴他, 那個meeting 是exclusive, 不如在會議完後,再一同歐遊, 以為他會答應...

The answer never came. 可原本想跟他一同歐遊可以省錢, 計劃泡湯了....

But I am going, without money, without planning.

randomly, two pages have cheered me up and given me a push for the coming adventure I gonna have.  I will survive.

和我一起去流浪 Let's Go Backpacking

A Hong Hong based 25-year-old  female travelver's facebook fan page, about backpack, about life


An American man's cheap way get-around.

he quoted the author of “American Pictures”, Jacob Holdt, who is a danish photographer, I admired a lot.

The greatest freedom I know is to be able to say yes; the freedom to throw yourself into the arms of every single person you meet. Especially as a vagabond you have the freedom, energy, and time to be fully human toward every individual you meet. The most fantastic lottery I can think of is hitch-hiking. There is a prize every time. Every single person can teach you something. I have never said no to a ride–even if there were pistols lying on the front seat, or four sinister-looking men wearing sunglasses sitting in the car. Every person is like a window through which the larger society can be glimpsed.

yes, Hitchhike, couchsurfing. well, I will get by.

大概是習慣了在這個世界, 很多的約定/諾言大容易說出口, 太難去實現。所以對於別人的毀 『諾』不要太放在心上。 


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