Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"A Centenary Dialogue with Aung San Suu Kyi 港大‧昂山素姬‧百年‧對話"

It is just really amazing to attend the event "A Centenary Dialogue with Aung San Suu Kyi” it is a live web camera conversation between Suu Kyi and the HK public.

She has the amazing ability to maintain a clear mind within the muddy, murky world.

The following will be the sort-of summary with regard to dialogue between Suu Kyi and the HK public. (of course, it is selective and indirect quotes are used, even filled with my personal subjectivity.) nonetheless, it is still worth of noting it down.

Q1: looking at the Current partnership between China and Burma, Iran, if the world has become safer for the authoritarian
A1: leaders want to get the respect from their people; in fact, everybody wanted to be respected, so it will convey a sense to the leader to put the welfare of the people at their top governance priority.

Q2:How do you keep your faith and keep you mind?
A2: discipline is very important. In times of hardship, people still lead a discipline life will regain their strength and have their vision-re-affirmed.

Q3: What’s the biggest Challenge human rights?
A3. The establishment of rule of law, which means to have independent judiciary.

Q4: IHT reporter asked, Suu Kyi has been traveling around the country since her release, has she got the security assurance? What next? Where? When ?
A4: she is not particularly assured with her security, it is the duty of the government to protect its citizens.

Q5: what’d you say to Liu xiao Bo those freedom fighter?
A5: China is a great country, its people are great, Chinese government can afford to open the door to citizens, and to all different voices.

Q6: how to make the military men give up their grip on power?
A6: it is our responsibility to get them give up, to let them know it is at their best interest to do so.

Q7: what’s her side on the US and China, in the end ‘we all have to take sides.’
A7. I’d take side on Human Rights. there is no dichotomy between the US and China.

Q8: What makes you happy?
A8. Small things will make me happy.

Q9: what’s your messages to the Burmese refugees overseas?
A9. Between Refugee camps and overseas, life is hard for refugees, though different. Just cope with it. Challenges are interesting, they help you to become a stronger person. Most of the time, it is the self-fear that destroys us. So we need to learn how to be free from fear, free from self-free.

Q10: Views on decline of the US and the Rise of China
A10. China has made an impressive economic progress. But you can’t ignore the social problem. For example, the human trafficking is serious in Northern Burma, because Chinese Men need women. The democracy is not the best system, but under the system people have ways and means to solve problems.

Q11: Suu Kyi said at the beginning all the categorization of human beings such as good and evil, wrong and right is not of use, yet to her, human beings can be only divided into learners and non-learners.
So how does this categorization apply to the military authoritarian in Burma?

A11. Well, they are slow learners. Citizens have the responsibility to help them learn faster. We have to learn what we are capable of as  human beings. We learn from life and help others to learn from life. 

Q12: On education becomes governmental papaganda.

A12:"Education should be a true learning process, not a machine for churning out meek, obedient people incapable of reasoning why justice and liberty should not be the birthright of all human beings"

of course, there are still few, but I could not jolt down. 
Further reading:

隔空對話 勉勵港人堅持民主信念昂山素姬呼籲中國勇敢開放政權

(Apple Daily )

Dissident Plans a More Active Role in Myanmar

(New York Times )


Monday, May 30, 2011








那一晚我們在談Lady Gaga






瑪利諾會的修女在於1920s, 1930s已由美國遠到客家傳教,當時國共正在內戰,梅州的福特主教,(Bishop Ford)因為支持國民黨而在中共掌權後給收監,最後死在牢獄中。隨後是對修女的迫害...而曾經的主教府已被現在的梅州市政府拿來當辦公室了。




從梅州乘車回香港時,司機播了BIG 4(許志安、張衛健、蘇永康、梁漢文)的演唱會DVD,當中有一個很Cyber的造型,一個crew member說,很像Lady gaga。然後有人說,如果lady gaga 有中文名的話,那會是什麼?



說起lady gaga的爭議性,我便提了一句,「之前好像有新聞說,她是雙性人。」



然後,導演問了一句:「其實lady gaga係男抑或女啊?」






「我們沒有時間孤獨,我們惟有歡樂的時間。(albert camus)」


Sunday, May 29, 2011


在這個數碼時代,在這個人人都可以photographer,cameraman 的時代,我光顧了一間還堅持用菲林相片給客人照證件相的照相鋪。


他拿相片給我時,打趣到: 「邊個來架? 哈,我以為這個是化妝前的你。」他指著相片說。





"Don't count your happiness on the other person, it is dangerous. Only you are responsible for your own happiness."

另一邊廂,他又會說, "Human beings are made to be in a pair." (大自然的定律,人是需要跟其他人連接才能生存)


他是Elia, 紀錄片 Trailblazers in Habits 的Freelance攝影師, 在美國紐約居住,與曾是演員的太太經營一間酒吧.


他在Switzerland (瑞士)出生成長, 因為爸爸是導演的關係, 所以從小便在電影製作的環境中成長,小時的他有著明星夢,很多時他都會是爸爸電影中的路人甲乙丙,直至一次,他成為一個有對白的演員,可電影播放時,在大熒幕看著自己, 他決定殺死那個做明星夢的自己.

可他很喜歡那種參與製作的過程, 而攝影師是除了導演外,完全參與整個製作的人.於是, 他便開始了他的攝影生活.

他這次來港,又去刺了一個紋身, 是一條龍. 他說, 他在1992年來香港和Nancy合作時, (Nancy也是這次 Trailblazers in Habits 的導演,)他刺了一個紋身, 在右手手臂上刺上"希望"二字. 這次的紋身,在同一間紋身工作坊進行,同一個紋身工作者幫他刺上,但技工已是暮年的一個老人. Elia問他記不記得他, 他只是笑著點點頭.

"我知道他不記得,人生嘛,有些事,對我們自己來說是如此地刻骨銘心,可對於另一方,只是滄海一栗." Elia 笑道.

他說,唯一變了的是,那紋身工作坊由原本的二人經營,只剩下一個. 很明顯,另一個已乘黃鶴歸去.

他告訴我另一個紋身的故事. 那個紋身在他的左胸口.

他說, 那是一個Hindu圖案, 由四個圖案組成,分成兩半, 其中一半,由三個圓組成,第一個圓是指人的awakening,下層的另一個圓是指 unconsciousness/asleep. 中間的那個連接是指在兩者之間的混沌, 而另外一半是一個點和半圓組成,意指超越和無限.


當中一定有他喜歡的故事吧. 一問之下, 他說, 刺這個紋身的時候,他跟他的第一任太太吵了一場大架,也正準備離婚.

“I was so mad, so confused, which exactly the same what the tattoo means.” He said.
他很生氣,很混亂,而在他看來 印度教這個紋身圖案正好是他對人生的闡釋,他需要混沌中跳出來.

然後,他說, “don’t count your happiness on the other person, it is dangerous.”

如果, 如果一個人可以活得好,為什麼要再次結婚?

"By nature, human beings are made to be in a pair. The plants can sustain themselves and reproduce themselves. But human beings need man and woman to complete each other. And you need someone to share with your life."

他說, 生物定律, 男人和女人需要對方才能生存下去, 不像植物可以自我繁殖,而人生需要有人分享,這樣生命才不致於如此荒涼.

可是他又提出一個註腳: “我跟我的女人說,不要叫我在工作與她之間作出選擇,因為我會選擇我的工作, 我就是我的工作,沒有了工作,我是一個平凡,悶蛋的人,在家看看書,聽聽音樂,毫無樂趣,毫無魄力可言.”

他又說, “Life is about people.”

人與人之間的連接,故事的互動豐富了我們的閱歷,因而他喜歡他的工作,可以到不同的地方,深入了解當地的風土人情,也從他們身上看見, 撇除所有後天的不同,文化,膚色… 人在本質上都是一樣,有著相同的期望,相同的人生感悟, 當中的相同叫 ‘人文’, / ‘humanity’.

作為一個freelance的攝影師,他說,收入不穩定是生活一個挺大的隱憂. 所以過的是簡樸的生活,可是能做自己喜歡的事的自由和從中獲得的快樂滿足不是奢侈品可以滿足的.

“Life is so short, do something you like.” 他拍著我的肩膀,笑著對我說.


那一晚我們在談Lady Gaga

Saturday, May 21, 2011


要搬出宿舍, 要離開大學的溫室, 終於有一種Everything comes to an end 的感覺.

長長的黑頭髮, 戴黑框眼鏡的書呆子氣, 鼻子還算高, 人還傻氣.
三年後, 咖啡色的短頭髮, 鼻子自給softball打中後,便平了一大節, 人還是傻氣, 多了一份世故.


Note: The hall student union will prepare a superpass dinner for all the hall residents before examination starts.

we will cut the barbecued pig to show that we are determined to get out GPA more than 3.
the full scale will be 4.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


地球很危險,我們一起去火星吧! 起碼有個伴!
不, 不是寂寞,而是有點怕...

嗅出了城市中的孤獨,感受人與人之間的隔膜,也品味出當中的悲喜交纏... 一部令人笑中有淚的寫實劇,當中的角色不過是人海中的你我...

Friday, May 6, 2011


因為當中提到circus, 想了解一下, 是的, 因為德國小丑的故事, the movie was overrated.
It is just a romance story.
The trailer fakes me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


決定了, 我沒有錢,可還是破釜沈舟地訂了29號才回香港的歐洲機票.


是這樣的,在Year 1 時,跟朋友去內地旅行, 然後在車站的餐廳遇見了一個高大外國的男人,由於言語問題,他跟侍應根本溝通不了. 於是便前去幫忙, 他連忙道謝,他是一個埃及人,少年時移居美國,在那裡落地生根. 在美國有一家動物診所,兒子在讀醫, 女兒在讀藥劑, 最後,他把在美國的聯絡方法寫給我, 叮囑我保持聯絡.

於是, 我們便以電郵聯絡,有了facebook, 更能知道大家的近況. 知道,他喜歡旅行, 去了印度, Central east asia 旅行拍照, 當然還有南美的巴西, 秘魯, 非洲的somali, 拍風景, 拍人物, 很美,是讓人看了後, "哇, 我想去那裡" 的美; 很知性,是那種"哇, 原來有這樣一種文化" 的啟發...


Dearest Chau
Thank you so so much for the trust that I could be your fellow traveler,its always nice of you to give me this honor. Actually in 4 weeks I am heading for Nanda Devi in western Himalaya and focusing on buddhism in the area and wandering also in Indian kashmir ,then crossing the border to pakistan heading for Chitral where the kalash tribes at the base of the Hindukush.

I hired a relief veterinarian the whole month for 750 US dollar per day ,instead of leaving the hospital without a Vet.I really wanted to share with you any kind of big adventure because I trust you and I respect you too .I do not like to promise but I will ask this vet if he can do me a favor,and work this time you wanted me to share.If the answer is yes I hope I can met you in Frankfort airport and I 'll be renting a VW and attend together this meeting ,then if you accept I can take you to Vienna where I wrote my PhD and Italy specially Venice then back to Frankfort. If I could not then let us hope each other well and many chances will come , take care and all the love.


看到這樣的電郵, 一個人可以用每天750USD 的價錢去買時間與你同遊, 你會覺得這個人信得過.
來到這裡, 又有另一個的flashback :

在墨西哥跟德國 Merlin 一起吃晚餐, 當中大家都在談各自旅行的一些經歷. 他的拍檔, Lukas說, 他最記得的在年少清狂時(其實他也不過是30出頭),在旅途中,有一個老頭說, 包Lukas 和他朋友的所有費用,請他們一同與他歐遊.

看著老頭的財富,看著他那架的BMW,Lukas 說, 覺得老頭很猥褻,是那種phedophile 的可怖.於是他們拒絕了. 那老頭只好轉身離去,只是在走了幾步後, 再轉過身來, 他佝僂的身軀停在風中,給了Lukas至今仍歷歷在目的表情:皺著眉,眼裡是被拒絕, 被否定的受傷。 (Lukas was acting the way that the old man looked.)

"With that look, I felt bad. I have hurt the old man. He is just a lonely old guy who wants a company to travel, to fulfill his last days on earth. But I treated him like shit. I regretted it so much. And till now, I can still remember that look." Lukas said.

Nour 一起歐遊的邀請叫我想起了這個故事. 於是我回信告訴他, 那個meeting 是exclusive, 不如在會議完後,再一同歐遊, 以為他會答應...

The answer never came. 可原本想跟他一同歐遊可以省錢, 計劃泡湯了....

But I am going, without money, without planning.

randomly, two pages have cheered me up and given me a push for the coming adventure I gonna have.  I will survive.

和我一起去流浪 Let's Go Backpacking

A Hong Hong based 25-year-old  female travelver's facebook fan page, about backpack, about life


An American man's cheap way get-around.

he quoted the author of “American Pictures”, Jacob Holdt, who is a danish photographer, I admired a lot.

The greatest freedom I know is to be able to say yes; the freedom to throw yourself into the arms of every single person you meet. Especially as a vagabond you have the freedom, energy, and time to be fully human toward every individual you meet. The most fantastic lottery I can think of is hitch-hiking. There is a prize every time. Every single person can teach you something. I have never said no to a ride–even if there were pistols lying on the front seat, or four sinister-looking men wearing sunglasses sitting in the car. Every person is like a window through which the larger society can be glimpsed.

yes, Hitchhike, couchsurfing. well, I will get by.

大概是習慣了在這個世界, 很多的約定/諾言大容易說出口, 太難去實現。所以對於別人的毀 『諾』不要太放在心上。 


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The Making of A Professional Clown



Sunday, May 1, 2011


決定 完了波蘭會議後, 想遊一遊歐洲,可是一定, 回程機票是8月31日.
天啊, 從8月3日到31日, 那可是27日的浪游,這不是墨西哥,在墨西哥的一個月,我已用去7000港幣.

唉呀呀.... 怎麼辦????後天就是答覆的最後期限, 應該如何答? 早一點? 雖然機票會很貴, 可起碼不用那麼擔心.....

如果我有預知能力, 十年後的自己會如何看當中的忐忑不安? 而現實是,我如何對十年後的自己交待?

原唱: 薛凱琪
作曲: 陳小霞
填詞: 黃偉文

能令你無悔 驕傲嗎

又有讓稜角 消失嗎

你成熟了 不會失去格調吧
刀鋒不會 磨鈍了吧

你情願變得 聰明而不衝動嗎
但變成 步步停下三思 會累嗎

應該不致 麻木了吧

別太遲 又十年後至想 快樂嗎

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