Saturday, February 26, 2011


A: "佢呀,坐係梳化度,戴住副眼鏡,係朵大聲讀報紙,真係呀,成個阿伯甘!"

B: "成日係朵翻睇舊電視節目,我咪話佢囉,'乜你唔悶架?'你知唔知點佢點應,佢話,'車,個老婆都對左幾十年囉,有乜悶唔悶啊.' 你話係唔係激死人啊."

C: "佢呀,有香港腳,又唔肯著鞋,而家嗰天氣甘涷,我咪買左對毛毛拖鞋俾佢,點知自己攞來搞,對鞋臭到..."

D: "我成日都叫佢去搵返份工,屋企多份家用,佢淨係笑下,跟住無左回事."

E: "其實,我覺得唔好當住仔女嘅面鬧佢,如果唔係,啲仔女唔會尊重佢."

ABCD 點頭.

一頓飯的時間,大家都知道: A的老公喜歡朗讀報紙,B的老公愛看舊節目,C的老公有香港腳,D的老公失業在家;


Wednesday, February 23, 2011





瑋瑋有先天性聽力問題,做了耳窩手術, 右耳才可聽到,還有過度活躍症,讀寫障礙...

在這個什麼都講競爭力,講學歷,講人脈的社會中,瑋瑋 will be severely published for his disability in excelling academically. what future holds for him?

父母都要上班才能養家,媽媽說沒有時間帶兒子參加興趣班,像畫畫等, 以培養兒子另一方面的發展潛能.自己回到家已累得半死,老公又要到深夜才放工,真的很難.

從小學一年級起,她已替瑋瑋請補習老師,可是因為他蹦蹦跳跳的本性,不少補習老師都怕了他,補了幾個星期便放棄了,而且補習費跟著年級的增加而上漲,負擔不起,但另一方面,自己又沒有能力教好他,最後也不知該如何是好, 還好,去年接觸了奧迪中心,當中也有私人補習的服務提供,而我是第一位到訪的導師.

或許是怕我也會像之前的補習老師般拂袖而去,在流浮山賣海鮮的她,說是沒時間弄拿回來的新鮮鮑魚,硬是把牠們塞給了我. 感到她的盛意拳拳,也感到她的不安,最後,我收下了,如果這能給她一點安全感的話...

繼續用墨西哥的時間去過自己的人生,晚上看書,寫字,聽歌, 看八掛, 直到清晨4/5點才睡,再加上香港的冷,感冒了...

回教會,跟幾個友人談我的'spoiled experience',他們都不約而同地說,北方人有的就是這種體貼,義氣.

不論是那一斤的鮑魚,還是一包包的板藍根, 被愛總是幸福的.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Roommate 剛和在哈爾濱的媽媽通完電,她覆說伯母的經歷.

走在大街的伯母給一個容貌娟秀,打扮入時的少女跟蹤,走進商場, 準備買口紅的伯母終於忍不住開口問少女, 為何跟著她,是不是要錢.


伯母忙說,自己也是外地人, 出差到這,住在親戚家,不能收留她,更提議找商場的保安和主任,看可以怎樣幫她. 少女立刻跪下,請伯母不要叫保安.

最後是,那少女是一個詐騙集團的成員,在她的背後有很多成員在看著她,等她成功進入別人的家後,其他集團的成員便準備打電話報警, 說是收留女孩的事主非法拐帶人,勒索事主錢以平息事件.

roommate說她很受傷, 很氣憤,也很恐懼,因為那些事件不是第一次遇到,更不是第一次聽到.

面對這些那些的欺騙, 真的很心寒...
the darkness of heart...

Friday, February 18, 2011


因為缺錢用,找補習. 哈哈, 去了墨國後是一窮二白.其實人生是一直在 just enough 的狀況中渡過,但也活了過來. :)

要老遠從薄扶林去天水圍補習,很麻煩,不過, 抱著體驗生活的心態,我接受了這個job offer. 因為自己對弱聽群體的認識很少, 想了解他們多一點.

媽媽是一個很爽朗的人,在流浮山長大, (流浮山是一個像大澳的郊區)搬去天水圍一年了,可還搞不懂如何轉輕鐵去屯門,對天水圍的社區也沒有多大的認識. 但看她的眼神,你會感到某些的異樣,有點混濁, 不能集中看人... 但是一個樂天知命,知足的女人.

剛開始的一小時, 小男孩很集中, 很願意聽課,可另一個小時, 他便只顧剪紙,可是,他剪得很漂亮,很有創意,有螃蟹,有機械人.大概是, 當你在某一方面有缺乏時, 你在另一方面卻有更大的潛能. 而小男孩的成績很差,或許在設計上有天份.

但總不能一輩子都靠藥物吧, 可媽媽說不清楚 ...

在香港這個彈丸之地,其實有很多人終其一生, 都只是窩在一個小社區裏, 外面的世界有多大,都只是一種距離很遙遠的事.


因為是一家NGO請我做補習老師, 所以第一次有一位社工carol一起.
carol 也是有先天的弱聽, 只是簡單的一句, "你做了社工多久?" 她已說了她的人生歷程.

她說,中七成績不好,尤其是英文, 弱聽人士的語文學習能力較低, 因為聽不清楚,以至不能講得好.
於是開始打工, 做過寫字樓, financial institutions. 可是發現自己不適合當中人事. 於是便去NGO.
做過青少年工作, 後來發現自己在社工方面有興趣, 而且可以副學士, 且學歷受認可, 便讀了副學士學位, 因為英文不及格的關係,她不能申請大學學位.



喜歡一位朋友的話, "敬重大人物,更爱小人物。深信用心慢活,生命自有可能性。"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Her entrepreneur dream

‘Please go to my business facebook fan page and click ‘like’, it will help me a lot.’ Annie solicited.

During a lecture break, Annie was doing her advertising campaign.

‘I am planning to expand the business-- to rent another cube in Mong Kok.’ She said with a smile containing a tinge of shyness, a sense of content and a gleam of ambition.

Annie, Tai Yan Yi, 21 years old, a journalism final year student in the University of Hong Kong, has recently started a small business by renting a cube in a cube-shop.

The origin of cube-shop business is from Japan. It started to gain popularity in Hong Kong, Taiwan, the mainland China few years ago. Shop keepers divide the shop area into tens or hundreds of cubes and rent them out. The general volume of a cube is about 35mm x 30mm x 30mm.

With few hundreds dollar per cube per month, tenants can rent one or more than one cube(s) to showcase their products. At the same time, they are consigning their products to the shopkeeper. With small capital input and time-saving management business mode, it feeds the entrepreneur hunger of the general public.

Annie rented her first cube in a cube-shop in Shatin plaza, selling accessories such as earrings and necklaces at the beginning of 2011.

There are few pushes for her budding entrepreneur dream.

Studying business in a renowned high school, Heng Send School of Commerce, Annie has always been interested in business.

‘By that time, I didn’t have enough capital and experience. But being a final year university student, with the experiences and money I have accumulated throughout the years, I want to give it a try. Now or Never, you know.’ Annie explained.

Annie was an intern for TVB pearl when she was year 1, assisting the production of the program Money Magazine. Her very first assignment was to cover the emerging cube shop business in Hong Kong.

“We featured few cases, few failed cases.” She giggled, ‘but it has shed lights in my own business.’

She has also worked for Wall Street Journal, covering financial news and business.

‘I have got to know some successful business entrepreneurs. Too often, they started from scratch yet gradually have worked their way up to their present position. It somehow has inspired me, and given me hope for my life path.’ Annie said.

Her aspiration is not without a social context.

There has been a heated discussion on social upward mobility in Hong Kong. A sort of social consensus has been formed: it is getting harder if not impossible, for the post 80s generation to move their way up along the social ladder, especially for those without distinguished family background.

Born in a grassroot family, Annie felt that online business maybe a way out and the current cube business can be a test for her future business plan.

‘The economy of Hong Kong has been dominated by the financial sector, which requires social capital, such as networks, that’s the rule of the game. As a labeled post 80s, I am thinking, if we have changed the rule of game, defining the rules by ourselves, then we can get a niche.’ She said.

Indeed, Annie is trying hard to write her business rules.

She contacts few housewives who are good at making accessories, inviting them to consign their products to her. She markets her cube in different online platforms, such as Golden Forum, the most-viewed forum in Hong Kong; creating fan page of her business on Facebook, where detailed description of her merchandises and how the deal is made are listed; writing reviews of her products and her cube brand in different blogs.

She is in a role of the business founder, merchandise outsourcer, marketing chief, company accountant as well as a delivery girl if necessary.

Apart from being defiant to the social rigidity, fulfilling her humble teenage beauty dream has been the major driven force for her entrepreneur dream.

‘When I was a teenage girl, I wanted to look pretty and special. During my high school years, you know, lots of classmates are from well-off family, they dress up, they look good. But my family could not support me for all those luxurious accessories.’ She said with a little sigh, ‘ then I was thinking, it doesn’t need to have those brand name products to make you look pretty and special. Small, non-mainstream products can stand you out. ’

With the notion to provide an alternative styling and a cheaper way for young girls to dress up, which in turn, compensating the little regrets she had during her teen years, Annie started to search different accessories affordable to grassroot population from different countries, websites, and established her own business.

‘I hope one day, I can have my own shop, a real shop to sell all those small, lovely, affordable products to young girls. It is human psyche to desire to look good, and I am happy to see my products are bringing happiness to those young buyers.’ Annie said with content.

She is coy about her business profit, but it is enough for her to rent another cube in another district.

‘Wait, have you liked my business fan page yet? Please like it.’ She asked, with a smile irresistible for any conversation partner to reject.

Monday, February 14, 2011


“我的人生目標是,找到一個我愛的女人,和她一起浪跡天涯。” 他吐出一個煙圈 ,煙圈在昏黃的街燈下,孤獨地扭了一個身,然後消失在十二月的寒氣中。

“是的,真的有那麼一刻,我以為她就是生命中的注定,那麼地獨特,可是她背叛了我。” 他深深地吸了一口煙,然後閉上眼,讓煙在喉嚨停留一刻,再吐出。


零晨12點30分, 墨西哥城一家旅館的陽台上,一個中國女孩和一個以色列男人在聊天。或許因為大家都是旅人,談起天來,沒有包袱。

他叫Guy Melloul, 來自以色列,30歲。

Guy說,在過去十年 ,他過的都是旅行流浪的生活,在所到的國家,城市,逗留時間的長短任性而行,有時是一個月,有時是半年,有時只是幾天。他去了歐洲三分之二的國家,踏足了南美三分之二的土地。除了母語希伯來文外,他還操一口流利的葡萄牙文、西班牙文和英文。




對於出走的原因,Guy 只是說厭倦了以色列。也難怪,他早前輕描淡寫地提到,開始這種人生前,他在以色列軍隊服役,曾在情報機關工作。以色列的法律規定,所有的國民都要服軍役,一般來說,男性服役期為是3年,而女性則為21個月。如此推算,18歲的Guy開始入伍,21歲服完兵役的他開始了他的浪子生活。





















筆者在墨西哥浪遊了一個月,途中遇到了不少有趣的人。發現只要你願意問,願意去聽,其實每個旅人都有一個故事可說。故事情節或許有錯漏甚至矛盾,但不要緊,忠於自己就好,畢竟那是 how we make sense of the world, make sense of our very own existence. 而透過別人的世界觀,我們看到的是生命的另一面。



Saturday, February 12, 2011


總會有那麼幾天emo 的時候, the weight of life is pressing, apparently, certain technical stuffs always hate me. and recently, Final Cut Pro gives me melancholy.

明明有freelance 的photography job, 因為emo, 而拒絕了.
Emo 的時候,是什麼也不想做, 長嗟短嘆, 再怨天尤人, 自怨自艾一番.

只是看著schedule to-do list, 沒有時間傷春悲秋, 畢竟不再是"為賦新詞強說愁"的少年時代,而是一大堆角色與責任的 entanglement.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


"I have met great people and am learning a lot. I take 8 classes this semester, all in español!!! Naturally many times I ask help from classmates, but it is fun. "

天啊, 她也是去到墨國才學西班牙語,可人家的水平已到了用西班牙語來上課的水平.

其實和她的相知很特別,和她從一開始便在拉丁文化課上一起. 不過, 因為大家的 class schedule不同, 所以通常都只是hi-and-bye 的朋友. 而且她給我一種酷酷的感覺

記得有一次,那已是學期過了大半的時候,在走路上學的途中, 遍見了她,原來她也是住寄宿家庭,原來她也走路上學.
於是,在短短的十分鐘內, 我們知道了大家都是final year student, 來墨國因為大家都對所謂的第三世界國家有情意節,都在機場有freak out 的時刻,都花了另一筆錢才能來到...


真正認識她是在Puebla. 我和jacintha 在當地的一間旅館. 怎知,一天的正午,她竟然出現在我的面前. 好神奇!! 因為Puebla 不是熱門旅遊熱點,我只是去探住在那的一位朋友而已. 而且, 我們是在墨西哥城呆了一個星期才去的....

她說,她聯絡不了她的couch host. 因為她的電話沒有credit了, 而自己又沒有電腦,所以來看看旅館. 於是我借了她所沒有的東西給她. 最後, 她找到了她的梳化客. 我們一起吃了午餐, 一起逛了市中心. 她的梳化客是讀餐飲的, 問她讀的原因, 她說,

"sólo fue suerte" ----it was only by fate.

晚上, 我們去了一間酒吧喝酒, 一杯酒過後, 她開始放開了.
她說, 她過了兩年多的gap year 生活.
其中一年是去英國的社區做義工, 除了想學好英文外,更多的是想了解一下外國的社區是如何照顧弱智社群.
因為她哥哥友患了先天性弱智, 而從小她便看著他給不少的人欺負, 因而培養出對弱者的憐憫,繼而延伸到弱國 in the global context.

她說,還有一年是因為家里的經濟不太好, 所以決定棄學打工幫補家計,

"I have worked in the factory, office ... well, many types of work, meeting different people, getting to know how the real world runs, you know, how people play dirty. I have learned a lot. " she said.

She is a very devoted Christian, asked her reason for being Christian.

"I have told you that, there are so many injustice in the society and the world. I tried to change it. but I realized that one could do very little. So I decide to turn to Him, You know, you will know that there is a greater one beyond all these mundane stuffs." she sipped the drink.

從酒吧出來, 她說, 她想念monterrey. 當中的人,事,物.

"You know, it is a good thing when you have someone to miss."

是的Jione 就是那種叫人折服, 又叫人喜歡的女生.

Monday, February 7, 2011



朋友生日,在她的面書墙上寫了祝福語, 以上是她的回覆.
有點震撼,有點曖昧. 不過,其實在墨國時, 已覺得她的曖昧.

在museum 時, 她會從後面攔腰抱住你,把她的頭擱在你的肩上.就算回到旅館,她也會在你看著電腦螢光幕時,從後用手纏在你的頸上, 把臉貼著你的臉. (ok, she only did this to me. I was traveling with Jacintha, a Singaporean girl. she did not do that to her.)

說了那麼久, 主角叫Zoe, 是在墨西哥城旅館遇見的一個以色列女生.

長頭髮的她,卻給人有一點的Tom Boy 的感覺.我們一起去了一個Art Museum, 看了鬥牛.
她說,過去三年, 她過的都是是working holiday的生活,差不多走便了整個澳洲,和東南亞國家. 她的專長是什麼? 潛水. she lived on giving scuba diving lessons.

但她也有自己的煩惱, 當我們一起走在墨西哥城的大街時, 她淡然地說, 25歲的她一事無成, 甚至連一個大學學位也沒有.
"可你去了很多地方, 經歷了不同的人和事,當中的待人接物不是能從書本學來的."



在看她的面書時, 一些photo memories 在左側顯示出來,圖中的她在和一個女生跳舞, 於是click 了整個photo album 來看, 是她在泰國時的生活. 她和一個漂亮的女生在跳舞, 很明顯是那個女生into Zoe. 從她看她的眼神,從她對她跳舞的舞姿, 反觀, 你可以感受到Zoe 的被動和一絲緊張. 當中的一張是她們兩個一起坐在沙發上,準備KISS的相... 應該只是party 的艷遇吧, 因為這一幕只佔整個album的1/7.

然後是更多的photo memories. 其中一張是她和前男友的在地中海旅行的親密照, click 來看, 應該是兩人的旅程.

再看看她的relationship status, Single
interested in Man and Women

Reading her facebook reality, 大概可以對她有這樣的解讀,

三年前, 22歲的她和男友分手了,心很痛, how to get over him? how to mend the broken heart? escape from the place, cutting off all the sights and sounds related to him.

開始了eat-pray-love 的journey.
旅途遇人無數,人來人往, 人聚人散, 她開始懂得,誰放感情,誰就輸了的游戲規則...

雖然只是fancy 的idea, 但, 不知怎的,我覺得, 她很孤獨,是那種 surrounded by millions of people, but could not find one to relate to / connect with 的孤獨.



Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stay a Little Longer

地鐵站, 迷茫的他遇到了他,
他好想他放棄即將到站的列車--- 陪他坐一會,就那麼一刻也好

We were born to be alone
Everybody all alone
Born alone to be alone
We'll stand alone forever
Standing on the world alone
Learning how to stand alone
And always to be alone
We'll be alone forever

Friday, February 4, 2011



happy new year chau=)...
hope you're doing great and got home safe
happy i got to know u!
hope to see u again once=)

message 的作者叫Sena,一個德國女孩, 一個混血兒,爸爸是cameroom,媽媽是德國人, 因為高中時去了美國交流一年,說一口流利帶美國口音的英文. 如果不與她交談,stereotyped 地會以為她是American African.
知道有這個她的存在是在TEC, 交流的大學中, 只是大家的圈子不同, 所以很難有機會認識她.

不過, 要遇見的總會遇見的.

就在 Chiapas, 墨國的其中一個城市中, 在我們各自的旅行中,在完全沒有計劃的情況下,我們在一個Tour Group 遇見了. 當然還遇見了另一個德國男生,在香港科大讀BBA, 同樣在TEC 作交換生.
在一天的行程結束後,已是晚上十點,又冷又餓, SENA 是vegetarian, 知道鎮上有一間不錯的vegetarian餐廳,又有溫暖凡火爐,便提議去那裡.

就在我們一起吃的時候,來了一群artists, activists, they started to play the guitar, to sing songs, to talk about the indigenous movement...

怎知道, 我們在第二天又遇見了. 又很隨性地一起去了一個另一個的景點.

我們在另一個城市又遇見了. 夜深,我們談了一會, 一開始是一些德國的政治, 然後,她開始說成長的故事.
她說,她爸爸是一個很demanding 的人,她和他之間的關係不太好.

爸爸和媽媽都是帶著已有的孩子再婚, 所以, 她大概有9兄弟姐妹. 而之後兩人又離了婚, 整個家庭都是破碎的...
妹妹在15歲時和男友離家出走,回到家不是拿錢就是吵, 記憶最深刻的一次是, together with her mom and other sisters, screamed at each other, speaking out the inner feelings to each other, it was not a best way to communicate, but it did help them to know what went wrong among their relationships, how each other perceived the same issues.

though their relationship is still under construction, it has been on the track.

她也說了在TEXAS交流的那一年, 她是第一次感到自己的 Blackness, the whole state is divided according to skin color.

she is torn between hanging out with the black and the white. walking a fine line when choosing different social groups ....

她說, long-distance relationship 是一種考驗, "I have had hard times especially when going parties"

以她甜美的樣子, 歐洲人的身份 (墨國人挺祟歐的), 流利的西班牙語, 身邊一定有不少的傾慕者.
曾聽不少的故事, 原本已有男女朋友的人就在這拉丁美洲的熱情中出軌了...
to resist such temptation requires a steadfast faith in his/her relationship.

當然,談到最後,我們都只是一個負債, 用著未來錢的窮學生. 不過, 大家都知道, 交流這項投資,值得.

she traveled alone because she wanted to try couchsurfing in Mexico, she wanted to do spontaneous traveling, without a string, without a plan...

Anyway, she is that kind of girl of her own opinions.

真的不能想像, 我們之間可以有如此的連接, 我很開心.

總結--Exchange Report

回來了,從墨國交流回來了, 可要交Exchange Report. 困在房間一整天, 竟寫了接近2700字的報告, 原來我"吹水"的能力還是挺高的. 很長...

I did my exchange semester in the Tecnologico de Monterrey, i.e. the TEC (Campus Monterrey) Mexico during the first semester, 2010-2011. Despite the worsening security situation in Mexico due to the drag war, I have had a great exchange experience in Mexico. The report is dedicated to share insights, cultural and human touches I have had during the exchange.

Brief Introduction of the Host Institution and the City

The TEC (campus Monterrey) is regarded as the best private university in Mexico and even in Latin America. Its tuition fee is rather expensive. One semester costs about $50,000 HKD. Many students pay the tuition in full. Of course there are also students who depend on scholarship and credit from the University and Government to pay for the tuition. So you can find some fancy students, driving Mercedes to school, slacking on their school works. On the other hand, you can also find students who are down to the earth, work very hard and excel in their studies. It may be an over generalization, yet such materially-rich-yet-intellectually-poor phenomenon can be easily spotted in the campus, or vice versa.

Monterrey is situated northern part of Mexico. It is an industrialized city, where many American companies have their headquarters due to its proximity to the US, is also the richest city in Mexico. It used to be one of safest cities in Mexico. Since the government declared drug war with drug cartels, Monterrey is gradually turning into the second most dangerous city in Mexico. During my stay, shootings occurred near the campus. On one occasion, a grenade was even thrown right in front of the campus.

Academic Culture

The TEC adopts a very paternalistic teaching method.
First, it counts students’ attendance. Lecturers take roll call at the beginning of the lecture. There is a limit for absence. Exceeding the quota will automatically result in failing the course. Being 10 minutes late for the lecture is counted as an absence.

Besides, it emphasizes on role learning with heavy workload imposed. Students are expected to remember all the facts taught in the textbooks, such as dates, causes for event occurred; exams are held monthly, something comparable to the A-Level examination in Hong Kong. Students keep doing work. It takes quantity at the expense of quality.

According to Mexican students, two rationales can be accounted for such teaching methodology.

First, Mexicans are known for being lazy, they need to be pushed externally. Somehow, I concur. Party culture is strong in Mexico. Mexicans like going clubbing, drinking, dancing, chill-out a lot. To them, enjoying life, spending time with friends, family matters more than other things, which have both pros and cons. On the one hand, Mexicans are happy people, despite hardship in life, as long as there is a party, beer, music, treasured people around, life is still worth living. A quote from Oscar Wilde tells the gist of Mexican optimism--- “We are all in the Gutter, but some of us look at the stars.” The cost of life quality will be low work efficiency and productivity. “mañana, mañana” which is a favorite phrase of Mexican, meaning “tomorrow, tomorrow, let’s leave it tomorrow.” Underlying message will be “I will do it whenever I feel like to.”

Second, the TEC graduates will usually hold high positions in companies, government and other institutions. So the TEC need to train them in handling such pressure and workload. Such elitism has its ground. With its expensive tuition fee, those who can pay must come from well-established family without rich social networks and resources, so they will usually go into big corporations or governmental agencies. For those depend on credit and scholarship, their academic excellence will gain them a place in those places.

Courses recommended taking

Despite heavy workload in this institution, there are few classes that I found inspiring and interesting.
I really like my Spanish classes. Learning a language will necessarily touch its culture and history. My Spanish teacher is really of knowledge of Mexican culture, when she teaches, she is not only teaching Spanish, but also provides culture context of the language. Students are not only learning Latin America Spanish but also Mexican culture. For example, Spanish phase, “No me gusta”, (I don’t like it), according to the Spanish teacher that, Mexicans don't express their negative opinions directly, they tend to package it in a nice way.

Besides, I have also taken a politics course, called International Negotiation. Through different case studies, I not only got to know the context of hot issues that still linger in the arena of international politics, but also get to know what makes a good negotiator. Such as Israel-Palestine negotiation, North Korea nuclear disarmament, it gives me a context to comprehend the news nowadays. The professor is really knowledgeable about international politics. He has also worked in different international organizations. It is one of few classes that don’t stress on workload but quality of work.

Moreover, I have also taken a course in Latin America history. The course offered me with history of the origin of America, of the intrusion of Spanish conquest, of their struggle for independence, to their modern development, to their search of self-identity and self-pride, all these somehow resonates with what Africans, even lots of Chinese are facing now. Through reading others, I came to know more of my very own identity and culture root.

Contacts with locals

Learning Mexican culture and Mexican way of being has been one of my exchange goals. So I chose to live with a host family, which has given me a closer contact with the locals. I lived with a 63-year-old widowed lady. She gives me a lot personal space. Through her, I get to know Mexican family values; I learn life philosophy from her. She has a son and a daughter. Both of them are married and have their own family. My host mom told me that Mexicans value family a lot; they treat the gender of the child equally. Before marriage, children need to live with their parents. Usually when children grow up and get married, they will move out the family. If they could not afford to buy a house, both girls and boys can stay with parents with their family. Every Wednesday is my host mom’s family lunch. By that time, both the daughter’s family and the son’s family will gather together.
Catholic is the national religion for Mexicans since its introduction by Spanish conquerors. Many Mexican are born as a catholic, and stick to Catholic teaching. My host mom’s daughter got married when she was 19 years old, still studying the university, and right after the university, she gave a birth a boy. All of them never question why they are born to be catholic, but accept this is the way it is.
Because of her age—being old meaning being experienced, having a lot of wisdom to tell, I also learn a lot from my host mom in terms of life. She told me that as long as today is better than yesterday, that’s good; she told me that it didn’t hurt so much when her husband died, that’s life. She also told me that there is a slight difference between her love to her grandchild and her child. She would say life should be enjoyed, just live for today because tomorrow itself will have its own worries.

Apart from my host family, I also get a profile of Mexicans from local students and ordinary citizens. Mexicans like to party a lot. When it comes to weekends, students will go clubbing, drinking, dancing and talking until the dusk, until they are all drunk. To most of them, it is a way of life; it is a way to relax themselves from the pressing life. That is a momentary escape.

Mexicans are very welcoming, friendly and helpful.

When I arrived in Monterrey at the first day, I was buying an adaptor. I didn’t know how to speak Spanish at all. After searching shop by shop, I still could not find one. A Mexican middle-aged man drove me around the town to find an adapter; he even paid for me when the shop keeper could not give change for my $500 peso note.
On the other hand, Mexicans are notorious for being lack of time concept, especially when it comes to social meetings, such as parties, eating out. 10 pm meeting will get started at 11 pm. Sometimes, even you have set the strict time and kept reminding your Mexican partners about the meeting, they can still fail to show up, simply because they forget. When showing up late, they will say, “Well, you know, it is Mexican time.”

Religious, optimistic, family-oriented, friendly, helpful, without time-concept, they are some Mexicans’ personal traits I have observed during my exchange.

Contacts with international Students

It will be hard to avoid contacts with international students, when there are over 1000 exchange students from different parts of the world in the campus.
Not being a party animal, I did not get to know as many exchange students as I should/could. But still, I have made a few good friends out of 1,000 of them.
The first one will be a Singaporean girl. Due to Asian affinity, we soon became good friends. She is the fourth Indian generation in Singapore. Through her, I also get to know her Singaporean counterparts. We shared lot first-times with each other: first time to try bungee jump, first time to do couch-surfing during traveling, first time to borrow uniform from convenience shop owners to attend Halloween party… By hanging out with her, I get to know Singaporean history, its social divisions. Through her eyes, I also see the world from different perspective. Being intelligent, sensitive, reflective, she can tell a world, a person even from a small gesture.

I also make good friends with a group of students from Czech Public. They are independent, know what they want, live life according to their own pace. They are counted as mature students because most of them are 24 years old. They have lived different parts of the world. Instead of academic studies, they live in a particular place just in the name of discovering life calling and self-refinement. That’s pretty a perspective-shattering experience for me. In Hong Kong, or maybe in Asia, people tend to be age-driven—gradate from the university at the age of 21; get promoted as a senior in the company at 25; get married before 30… people live according to the social expectations. It creates pressure if one fails to meet the timeline. Getting to know these Czech students, I realize that there are many possible ways for life to be, just be who we are, no matter what form it takes, it is still our own life.

There are other encounters with the international students, small but have shaped me in one way or the other. By being an international student in a foreign land, it helps me connect with other international students easier, and hence being exposed to different cultures and mentalities.

Extra-curricular activities

I have participated two voluntary services in the TEC: one is called “English for Normalista”, which aims to provide English enhancement course for both future and working teachers. The other called Mexican Rural—dedicated to provide enhancement classes for primary students in community schools. They have offered me a glimpse of some weaknesses of Mexico education systems.

There are not enough resources to the educational system. Students of different levels need to squeeze in the same class. The teachers are not well trained, one teach needs to teach few subjects, sometimes even all subjects despite not being familiar with.

One incident occurred during the “English for Normalista” class, which shed light on Mexican inferior mentality.

Together with 3 other Mexican students, we designed and conducted the classes on our own. Due to heavy school workload, my teammates did not put lot of effort in the course preparation, I was upset about it , because some of students in the course have to drive for 2 hours to come to the university, for this 2-hour weekly class, I felt bad when we did not deliver a quality class. Then I wrote to my teammate, expressing my disappointment and asking them to uphold the responsibility as a teacher and a teammate. One of them felt offended by the email. He wrote back defensively, saying that foreigners in Mexico like to regard themselves as the savior for the country. He sarcastically apologized:
“Sorry we are not those great economies, which don’t have poor, problems, or these kind of issues, But we have great things, as Mexicans, we are happy, more than it seems, and great feelings, and hope, and desire to improve and get that our country.”

I was offended by this email in turn, replied:

“I don't know by which way I behave makes me to fall into your 'foreigner-self-regarded-savior' stereotype. Anyway, hereby I want to clear out that, such stereotype doesn't work for me. I absolutely agree with what you have pointed out, the positivity, the strength and element of 'Hope' have embedded into Mexicans. I am impressed, and salute for such life-fighter spirit.

Every country has its own problems, US, look at its slow discovery from the credit crunch, UK, just announced 50,000 job-cutting....By no means, Mexico has to demean itself in the face of so-called 'great economies'. Sometimes, it is the self-demeaning mentality that generates victimization.”

After such email communication, all the teammates became more involved in the program. In the end of the program, I had a meal with them, reflecting what we have been through. They admitted that this program was fundamentally flawed as the student teachers were not passionate about teaching, not with an aim to help participants improve their English, but to fulfill their compulsory voluntary services hours. They also shared their ideas about how to improve the education system in Mexico. A sense of relief and comfort has crept in. The intercultural misunderstanding has been overcome by candid conversation, which has changed their perception of foreigners, the way they view the weaknesses of the country.
I am glad I have forsaken Saturdays for these two programs. I see another part of Mexico that even some Mexicans don’t get to know.

Personal Growth

Mexico has given me kisses and hugs, tequila, friends---lots of friends, and family, who keep reminding me to come back because 'it is your home, Chaunog'; Mexico has showed me salsa-- made my body move and shake. Mexico has given me a helpful hand whenever I needed one. I have taken so much from Mexico, all the memories in Mexico hold texture, smells,rhythm and history so it is in my body and in my mind.

This exchange has made me more culturally sensitive when it comes to intercultural communication.

It has also broadened my horizon. By meeting people around the world and learning Mexican beings, I get to know that different possibilities exist in life.
It has made me more independent and confident when it comes to express my opinions among the crowd.

Some reminders when doing exchange in Mexico

• Sharing an apartment with other students is the cheapest accommodation option. You can find it online.

• Mexicans greet each other with face kiss. Putting your right face against the other’s right face and give a symbolic kiss.

• Have basic Spanish knowledge before going there. Not many Mexicans can speak English. Communication problem will result if you don’t do so.
To sum up, Mexico is a good country to do exchange though the academic excellence is not comparable to HKU.

Locals are open-minded and welcoming to foreigners. They are also dignified persons, allowing an enriching cultural exchange.

Mexico is a country with diverse landscapes, cultures and histories. It has a user-friendly public transportation, which enables travelers to explore around the country and get to different Mexican spirits.

開始--- Study Plan

我的GPA不高,不過,我想大概是我的study plan 寫得不錯, 再加上想去墨西哥的人不多, 所以, 我有機會exchange.

The Following is my Study Plan-- explaining why I would like to go on exchange.

I want to go on exchange because it is a journey of self-refinement and self-growing, making me a better person and a better global citizen in turn.

To study in foreign country will broaden my horizon, which is a vital attribute in this increasingly globalised world. Due to the information technology advancement, information about the country can be obtained easily through the internet, why do we care to go there, especially taking the uncertainties and difficulties during the journey into account. as a Chinese saying goes to “walking through thousands miles of journey is better than reading thousands of books.”, going on exchange means to live in that country for a period of time, to actually live your life in a local way. All the encounters are real, which you can feel them with your senses, tracing back, and memories live vividly.

As a girl from underprivileged family, if not for the university programs, I will not have the opportunity to study aboard on self-financed basis. Life in Hong Kong is rather hectic and materialized. Through this exchange experience, to live in another life style, it is hoped that I can have better insights to my life and better vision towards my future career.

I especially want to do my exchange in Mexico.

First, it is a Latin American country, which is rather alienated to me (though it is the origin of the Swine Flu, with extensive news coverage.) I am a person who loves exploring new things and accepting challenges. The more sideway the journey, the more I will discover life (both others’ and mine) more. Human beings will be haunted by fear and worries in times of uncertainties. The strange land/ culture will enhance such phobia. I still remembered the very first days I immigrated to Hong Kong in 1999. Speaking neither English nor Cantonese, dressing in a rather old-fashioned way, people looked at me with sort of despise and peculiar expression. Such experience had humbled me down. Later on, I gradually learned how to live up to the famous quote from Eleanor Roosevelt---“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Besides, those unpleasant encounters were just a small portion of my life. Good and caring people definitely outnumber those cynic ones. Many people have inspired me to learn and live. Without them, I would not have been the present form of Wong Chau Nog. It has been ten years since my arrival. Now, I can speak both Cantonese and English fluently, attending the world-renowned university in Hong Kong. Of course, the three-month period in Mexico cannot be compared to the ten-year stay in Hong Kong. The reason for me to bring up this experience is that I am prepared to take up the challenges ahead and indeed, I will be greatly inspired in such encounters.

Moreover, as a student studying in politics, I can apply the learned comparative politics theories in to real life cases. Mexico is a developing country. The world regards the Latin countries as emerging economies in the next decades. Mexico’s precinct country Brazil, together with China, Russia and India are termed as the BRIC countries in the world’s economy. By studying and staying in Mexico, I will gain more cultural, economic and political understandings about the Latin countries. Subsequently, I can compare it with China. Knowing the commons and differences between them, I will have a better worldview. Knowing where I am footing, I can know where I am heading.

Additionally, I can learn Spanish in a more efficient and practical way. Both Mexico universities that I have applied to (Techologico De Monterrey and Universidad of Monterrey) offer Spanish courses for international students. There is a saying that “learning a language will give you another spirit.” It is because speaking another language opens the window of another world to you. Learning a language will simultaneously bring about the related-culture and way of life to you. Somewhat you will have another life. Though I have not learned Spanish before, that is the beauty of adventure. I remember one person who has been to Africa, told me “if you can overcome language barriers, then you can overcome everything during your stay in a strange land.” Just one semester exchange, I can acquire two kinds of philosophical knowledge in person. (Of course, to facilitate my learning, I will take a Spanish certificate course before I go on exchange.)

I believe the above-mentioned experiences and expected knowledge acquired will be internalized as my asset to benefit my future both career pursuit and living.

As an aspired journalist, I want to feature in the international news, that’s why I am taking politics and African Studies as my second major and minor. Having exchange experience in other countries will further develop my ability to make sense of the world and life. It is sincerely hoped that my application can be granted. It will be my great honor to be interviewed should there is such a need. Thank you for your attention.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


昨晚一直守在電腦前, 看著AJE的LIVE TV, 當然另一方面和不同的朋友用不同的instant chat programs chatting on different issues, one hand is about those little things about life, being fat, bringing boyfriend to meet families, on the other is seriously about the Egyptian revolution...

quite absurd, on the one hand, the atmosphere is filled with reunion, happiness, warmth, on the other hand, blood is shedding...

waking up, viewing the photo album from on Egyptian Revolution, quite number of them have moved my heart."

Its caption has moved my heart.

"Die for something is better than. . . live for nothing.""

in this foto, you can clearly see that the police is firing at protesters.

How has history been evolved??

Yes, I have got a kinda good news.
Bodomo said he might need a teaching assistant.

meaning, he is opening the post for me.
that's an attractive option, stable, prestigious...

yet, Life is that all?
what about other alternatives? what about the fascinating outside world?
how to be like that? or maybe there has never been an outside world. what I am trying to find, not the ultimate destination, but the seeking journey.

I am afraid of that my curiosity will be eroded once entering the mundane world.
god. what should I do?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


乘火車不用走到車頭便可以有座位, 去金雞坐回大學的小巴, 是車等人, (平時早上要等3-4架,才可以上車.)

回到大學,上Feature Writing,GENE跟我們討論了我們交給他的 feature and Profile 的MEMO.
我的是Couchsurfing 和一個德國男生的故事.
GENE說, 當中的意念很facinating,無論是墨西哥的couchsurfing 還是那個德國男生的故事...


而在fature writing 中討論, 好像找回那種曾經很闊,也拾回對生命可能性的信心.

上星期約了朋友今天吃飯,臨掛線前, 她強調說, "哪,約實你GA LA, 到時唔好唔來."
偏偏沒有帶電話,下了課, 很狼狽地去CC,在G-chat看有沒有Common Friend, 找到那個朋友的電話.
去到餐廳,拿著剛獲得的電話號碼,很唐突地找了一個女生借電話,再打給那個朋友,得到的回應是, 她來不了.
雖然她很體貼地問我是會不會阻礙我的課,話語間卻充滿了不願... 於是便說再約...
可我還是獨自在餐廳吃了一個curry pork.

或許我對承諾少一點的信心, 少一點的在乎, 而自己少一點任性和執著,日子可能會好過一點.

在墨國時,明知在美國的新墨西哥州,沒有人可以接濟自己, 而我又拖著一個大行李, 但因為之前和非洲女士的約定, 雖然她放棄了我, 可我還是獨自一人由墨國乘巴士過境去了新墨西哥州, 認識了幾個梳化客,和一個加納女學生一同坐了一程車, 談了生活的難;一個人在新墨西哥州近幾十年來最冷的一天,走遍了它的整個downtown area.

晚上看了一套電影, the unbearable lightness of being. 因為故事setting 是在布拉格,(因為之前在墨國認識了幾個來自布拉格的朋友,而最近阿拉伯世界的起義, 不多不少講到捷克1989的春天, 中國的六四),所以在library 借了它來看.

其中的一句 "How come life can be so light for you, while so heavy for me?"
