Friday, August 27, 2010


墨國的公共交通系統很差,他們有公共巴士,可是好像沒有多少人會乘搭, 猜想大都是基層的本地人才會乘坐. 不少家庭都有私家車代步,要麼就是乘坐的士. 記得在機場通過agen叫的士時,當中竟有6家不同的的士公司.

因為我的課很早,要在7點30分出門,我沒有麻煩媽媽,asked her to give me a ride to school nor I wanted to spend money on hiring taxi. (it costs about 23 peso, which is about 16 HKD from home to school), I walk to school.

on the way to school, I met a guy, who I met during my first time to take the school bus. 一個皮膚黝黑,身材健碩, 愛聽ipod, 而當中的歌都是英文流行歌, 會塗潤唇膏的陽光男孩. (well, I sat beside him while on the bus)

He lives 2 blogs away from mine. In Monterrey, the streets and buildings are arranged in a Grid-like pattern.
And apparently, he recognized me too.

and we started to chat.
He is freshman this year. He is from the other city.

他的第一個問題便是, "what the hell are you doing here?" 言下之意是, 墨國那麼危險, 來這幹嘛?
"why not" was my response.他無言了.

反問, 他很誠實地回答, "why not, this is my home country. Tec is one of the best Universities in Mexico. My father also graduated here."

問他第一年的大學生活如何? 他說在適應過程中, 父母在3小時之外的城市, 要自己照顧自己,包括去supermarket. 每天一大早走路上學, 面對排山倒海的功課, 要安排好自己的時間. 當然還有語言問題.

to respond to my surprise, he said, due to the accents and difference in dialectical usages, lots of times, he could not understand what local people are saying.

"it is absurd, we are in the same country, speaking the same language, but .... "

一段路程, 一個故事, 一段友誼就這樣開始了....

下午上 Latin America scenarios, which is about the contemporary history of Mexico/ America/ Canada.
對於只有中三程度history knowledge 的我是一個很大的挑戰, 不過抱著想學多點,而且沒有Grading /GPA 壓力的心態, 還是選修了.

和Jacintha一起, 坐在前面的男生給了一個友好地微笑.
Jacintha告訴我, 其實幾天前在campus,他想叫住我,打招呼, 可惜我走得太快. 他知道我的名字. 沒辦法, chau 在german 是指再見, with the close relationship between Germans and Mexicans, well, it is pretty memorable.

他很好看, 有一雙會笑的眼睛,長得向上捲的眼睫毛, 清澈有神眼眸, 高挺的鼻子, 整齊潔白的牙齒, 是典型的拉丁美男子.

他半側身仕, 在我聽得confused時, 會旁加解釋, 又告訴我有關 international student club 的事.
oh, man !!!!!!!!!

放學,走在回家的路上, 他和遅來坐在他身旁的女孩停車,叫住了我, 請我坐順風車.

路過球場, 一群學生在練習排球.
"oh, look at that international student, so hot!!" he screamed at the girl who was driving the car, with his eyes fixed on a strong-built guy with blond hair.
"well, go and get him."  the girl said in a dull tone.

"I know, I have already got him under my search engine." he smiled.
"Don't get too disturbed, he eyes on hot guys more often than I do." The girl said to me.

Wait, he is gay. Holly crap!!!!! why such a hot guy turns into a gay. well, here, girls not only have to compete with hot latin american girls, but also hot guys in search a companion. what the hell!!

Fine. at least, friendship remains.

The girl asked me where I came from.
Japan, China , US or where?

I frowned. China.

"please forgive my ignorance. To me, Chinese dress more old-fashion while Japanese are more fashionable. you are inbetween.  your eyes are big, but Japanese don't have big eyes. and you speak English very well. so I am confused.  " she explained.

hmmm, Living in Hong Kong, Where the East meets the West, I am a fusion of everything. :))

其實我喜歡這種confusing identity, well, in an increasingly globalized world, I can go everywhere and anywhere yet belong to nowhere....

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