Friday, July 29, 2011

IFES WA 2011 --Daniel Bourdanné Response to the Scripture engagement

Bible studying is relevant to our daily life. It gives hope to for people to carry on their life, see things beyond their own context.

The summary of one speech.

On the first day of the scripture engagement in WA, it is on Revelation 7:9-17
The IFES General Secretary Daniel Bourdanné shared his experience in engaging the scripture.

One of the speakers read the scripture as it is the fulfillment of our deepest yearnings--- Security, Authenticity and purpose.

Complete security: God on his throne.
God is completely in control, an experience few of us can even imagine, it is only because we know his incredible character as good shepherd and caring father, that we can trust him with our total being.

Complete authenticity: in our yearning to be "authentic" or "genuine", our pride makes us hold on to power, prestige and material possessions to make us feel important.
Our passport to heaven is that we have been "washed in the blood of the lamb"--- our true identity is as helpless sinners saved by the incredible price paid for us by the slain lamb!

Complete purpose: worshiping only God.

human beings were created to worship God, After the fall many "idols" replaced worshiping God as the main purpose of our lives.

in Heaven, there are no idols all who are there have been liberated from the bondage of idolatry and are free to worship God alone.

Evan though the multitude cold not be counted, and they all wore the same outfits, each person's unique identity remains since John could still identity them as coming from every tribe and every nation on earth.

All our suffering and every kind of "tribulation", is a thing of the past and "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

Our deepest yearning will only be fulfilled when we are in heaven. That assurance is what keeps us going in spite of all the challenges in this broken world.

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