Monday, October 25, 2010


想寫很多字, 可是時間不允許. 在墨國的義工英文班, 因為不太滿意組員的不負責任,寫了一封電郵,表達自己的意見,得到的回應是,我太不近人情/通情達理, 跟其他外國學生一樣,把自己當成墨國的救世主...

當中的文化對話 讓我Emo 了一整個週未.


"To be frank, I am quite disappointed with what we did last week.
all were so impromptus, yep. we made it, and it seemed that teachers were quite involved. but what do they get in the end?
Demonstrating such teaching experience, they already have hands-on experience. some of them are working, some of them are teaching on trial.

they drive half an hour or travel for a long way, just for such class activity, If i were them, I would be frustrated.

I really hope we can be more prepared for the lecture, not only for the future of Mexican education, but also as a responsible individual. yep, all of us have different commitments. but do remember, the English Class for Normalista is one of such commitments.

(I know Mexicans don't express their 'negative' feelings openly. but I am a Hong Kong Chinese, I believe an effective communication should be knowing what each one of us thinks.)

Dear Chau,

Thanks for your suggestions and comments, even so and showing you that not all mexicans Do Not express our"negative" feelings opnely, but its because we wanna handle situations with respect and smartly, i would like to stress some points.

* I agree we need to improve our class, and i agree we can do better, but we also must cosider we are not Professinal teachers, like them, we are trying without a guide to do it.

* I dont think it´s good to go to another country and judge our commitment if you dont really know what is behind every individual, but i have noticed foreigners come to Mexico, and feel like in a zoo, judging and trying to save the word, sorry we are not those great economies, which dont have poornes, problems, or these kind of issues, But we have great thinhs, as mexicans, we are happy, more than it seems, and great feelings, and hope, and desire to improve and get that our country is a better place for us.

* And we all can frustations, things happens, but also, its our responsability to get over.

Dont take it personal, but we all have things to do, priorities, and commitments to acomplish.

Have a nice day, and thanks for contributing in MÉXICO.

Dear Daniel,
Thanks for your openness. I highly appreciate that. Which at least sheds lights on what happened the communication between two cultures.

* Professional teaching is not demanded but the heart counts.
what I am trying to point out is that as an organizer, being unprepared for the lecture is something unwanted and avoidable. it is about attitude towards the issue. Being unprofessional in terms of skills can be accepted. but being Unprofessional in ATTITUDE, that's something inexcusable.

*the previous email is nothing against Mexico or whatever you might interpret.
there may be different reasons behind actions and inactions, but most of the time, actions and inactions shape people's perceptions, and perceptions is reality.

By no means, I hold the legitimacy to present myself as a savior of Mexico. the reason for my to join voluntary program is same as I did in Hong Kong. To live and learn.

of course, it is true that 'much is given, much is expected.' to certain extent, there is a hierarchical relationship between the volunteers and the service beneficent. Yet, more important as a volunteer is, 'giving is receiving'. I am honored to be trusted by those teachers, being shared with their innermost emotions; humbled by their strength / desire, making every means possible to achieve what they want.

I don't know by which way I behave makes me to fall into your 'foreigner-self-regarded-savior' stereotype. Anyway, hereby I want to clear out that, such stereotype doesn't work for me. I absolutely agree with what you have pointed out, the positivity, the strength and element of 'Hope' have embedded into Mexicans. I am impressed, and salute for such life-fighter spirit.

Every country has its own problems, US, look at its slow discovery from the credit crunch, UK, just announced 50,000 job cutting....

By no means, Mexico has to demean itself in the face of so-called 'great economies'.

sometimes, It is the self-demeaning mentality that generates victimization.

* yes, people have different priorities, but it doesn't mean that they can forgo one which constitutes the integrity of responsibility shouldered upon.

Have a nice weekend.


He didn't reply. Instead, He wrote on his facebook status.
Mi conciencia tiene para mí más peso que la opinión de todo el mundo." Marco Tulio Cicerón.

My conscience got to me more weight than the opinion of the whole world. "Marcus Tullius Cicero.



  1. the tone in your first email sounds a little blunt...which is what i like about your style actually, your straightforwardness. and i appreciate you taking the initiative to voice your thoughts. being assertive is hard...

    i felt your way of communication is better in the last email...不屈不亢...i suppose i'll be really really upset when i received Daniel's reply, but you reasoned out your points calmly.

    i hope this experience won't deter you from assertiveness, just hone your skills better as a tightrope acrobat. :-)

  2. 你這個博客不是公開的嗎?那麼你的同學可會看到?

  3. 謝謝你,雷人. :)你的言辭總有叫人安心的果效. :)

    對呀,當收到他的電郵,我真的blue了很久,大概是因為,給誤會了,也恨自己的詞不達意,應該可以說得讓人舒服一點,不過, 事情已發生了...


    不過, 也真的學了一課, 如何在保守與坦白間走得有技巧.

    不會啦, 我想不少墨國同學在看到中文字後,都不會再看這個blog. 而且, 這些電郵已是我和他之間都知道的事.
    況且就算知道了, 又如何? 當是另一次的文化對話了.
