Saturday, October 16, 2010


(文章本應兩星期前寫, 可是因為考試, 因為有其他活動, 拖到今天才寫)

槍擊案在monterrey越來越嚴重,10月5日的一個平凡的下午, 在校園外, 發生了槍擊, 而且更有傳言說,有炸彈襲擊. 校方立刻關閉了校門,不讓人進出. 一片人心惶惶.

第二天,學校開了一個security meeting for international students.
"we need information."

學校寄了電郵給交換生的home uni, 而交換生在兩天後收到自己大學的電郵, 才知道發生了什麼事.
 "it is ridiculous. we are the students who are affected, what's the use of notifying our uni and thorough our Uni to tell us what has happened 2 days later. " an international student said,

"we need information. I was on my way to school, yet the school was closed." an other said.

"at least, we need to be informed what happened, where to stay, if the school is going to close, at least, someone should inform us beforehand."

校方發言人連聲道歉.  "that's why we are holding a security meeting to inform you what's going on."

"what's the use of it? huh? same meeting on the same issue held 2 months ago. what have you done? we complained the same policy, 2 months later, it is still the same. tell me, what have you done?"


另一校方發言人嘗試去解釋, 卻自取其辱.

"Maria can testify, when it (the shooting / the close of the school entrance) happened, I was in my office, around 6 pm. I was going to bathroom before leaving. and a security guard told me there was a shooting and the school was closing the entrance.I really didn't know what happened."


"then who ordered to close the gate?"

"apparently, it is an  internal bureaucratic chaos. They don't even know what they were doing. damn."

然後是, 不同的建議要求校方開放資訊. facebook page, twitter...
有人要求reliable sources, 有人覺得不可行, 有人說, "I don't mind unreliable sources, at least let me know what's going on. even false."

看著那些校方發言人的困窘, 看著那些交換生的咄咄逼人, 很他媽的超現實.
對不起, 兩方面都不想幫.

是的, 校方的bureaucracy, 真他媽的麻煩, 這個部門推那個部門, 把問題推來推去, 又不肯改, 該罵.

而某些交換生, 擺出一副 "我來這裏交流是看得起你" 的姿態, 一副高人一等的嘴臉, 真他媽的屁股眼.

最後, 校方發言人提出一個方案, 交換生可以用online 方式完成課程, 意思是,學生可以離開墨國, 至少是離開monterrey. 但他們很聰明地加了一個條件, Provided that "you have obtained all your professors' approval." 把球踢給了另一個部門.

兩星期後的今天, 那些教授面對學生的要求, 說, "我不知道, 沒有人跟我說過當中的措施'.
又或者, "you talk to my boss (the department head). if my boss says 'yes, then you can go. '"

看著這一場的鬧劇, 真的感到, 他媽的超現實.
借朋友的一句 "荒謬世界需要黑色幽默。"

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