Friday, July 29, 2011

IFES WA 2011 --Daniel Bourdanné Response to the Scripture engagement

Bible studying is relevant to our daily life. It gives hope to for people to carry on their life, see things beyond their own context.

The summary of one speech.

On the first day of the scripture engagement in WA, it is on Revelation 7:9-17
The IFES General Secretary Daniel Bourdanné shared his experience in engaging the scripture.

One of the speakers read the scripture as it is the fulfillment of our deepest yearnings--- Security, Authenticity and purpose.

Complete security: God on his throne.
God is completely in control, an experience few of us can even imagine, it is only because we know his incredible character as good shepherd and caring father, that we can trust him with our total being.

Complete authenticity: in our yearning to be "authentic" or "genuine", our pride makes us hold on to power, prestige and material possessions to make us feel important.
Our passport to heaven is that we have been "washed in the blood of the lamb"--- our true identity is as helpless sinners saved by the incredible price paid for us by the slain lamb!

Complete purpose: worshiping only God.

human beings were created to worship God, After the fall many "idols" replaced worshiping God as the main purpose of our lives.

in Heaven, there are no idols all who are there have been liberated from the bondage of idolatry and are free to worship God alone.

Evan though the multitude cold not be counted, and they all wore the same outfits, each person's unique identity remains since John could still identity them as coming from every tribe and every nation on earth.

All our suffering and every kind of "tribulation", is a thing of the past and "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

Our deepest yearning will only be fulfilled when we are in heaven. That assurance is what keeps us going in spite of all the challenges in this broken world.

IFES WA 2011: the opening ceremony

Jesus is the Lord of History. Even though there are so many Christians live in Countries where Gospel sharing is prohibited, preachers are prohibited. Yet , think of the East Europe in Communist Era, then till today, Poland is a place to hold the IFES world assembly.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reflections on Papua New Guinea Trip

When we were visiting a village, the daughter of the village's captain welcomed us with an act of gangsters' attack.
"Welcome to Papua New Guinea." She smiled.
In a country where violence is rampant, prison breaks are usual, gang fights are normal, friends and family can be betrayed, anything can happen.
"Expect the unexpected" as the slogan on its tourism advertisement says.

It has shattered my world perception.

“Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a beautiful country. People here are very nice and friendly. We have many resources, but we are not developed.” Brendon Peter, 37, a villager in Takudo village, said.

“We want the White (people) to stay here lifelong and change the place because we just hold the notion that when the white comes, there will be hospitals, schools, roads etc.” Francis Peter, another villager said.

The above statements have been heard repeatedly during my 5 weeks expedition in Papua New Guinea. PNG people have generally held the notion that despite their rich endowment of resources, they are not developed. But what developmentmeans to them? It is about infrastructure building, such as roads, schools, tapped water.

Tracing back to the process which PNG people form perception of themselves and the world, a sense of injustice is smoldering within.

PNG used to be Australia’s colony, upon its independence (before 1975), Australian government tried to introduce different foreign investments into the country to provide good financial foundation for the future independent government, signing contracts with mining and logging companies are of such examples. Those companies promised to “develop” villages around their mining and logging sites. However, they failed to live up to their promises. Several decades later, villages were still of no main roads to the city, no schools, hospitals. On the other hand, the investment from the companies has invaded and destroyed the very fabric of the country.

The culture of doing-things-fast has intensified the corruption among different governmental levels. To get necessary documents signed, approved, officials from those companies tried to bride government officials. Bribery becomes even more rampant after Chinese companies come in. The corrupt government has failed PNG people, which in turn have undermined its legitimacy.

Besides, most (97%) of the land in PNG belongs to customary land, meaning that a tribe instead of respective individuals owns the land collectively; at the same time, the boundaries between the lands are not clearly defined. To facilitate the logging and mining activities, the government is introducing land register system. So the ownership and the boundaries of the lands need to be redefined. It erodes the cohesion within a tribe, creates hostility among tribes because land disputes essentially create conflict of interests among different stakeholders. Indeed, it brings greed, dishonest and distrust. News reports regarding fights and riots related to land disputes have topped the headline frequently. This gradually dissolves PNG people’s sense of identity and sense of belonging. More to come, once the communal system is dissolved, the county is torn apart.

Moreover, such investment and development has distorted how they view themselves and the world. It is good to see that PNG people have a strong sense of national pride. Their loyalty towards their own tribe is much stronger than towards the country. Yet, once they are communicating with foreigners, automatically, they will have this kind of patriotism.

However, with a closer look, the sense of national pride is an injured one, based on self-victimization.

Through the propaganda from the government and the foreign companies, PNG people are portrayed as primitive, weak, backward. They cannot fully develop themselves unless with the help from other nations. Their predicament is a result of indifference and exploitation from other nations. However, such portrayal is only a discourse from the other side. It neglects the fact that PNG people are independent and vibrant, and always adopting to this changing world as well. Somehow, PNG people are brainwashed with this demeaned self-image. So the unsustainable development and foreign investment not only challenges the fabric of the PNG societies it comes in contact with, but also the very fabric of the Self.

In so doing, this foreign discourse, perhaps unintentionally, flattened the significance of local ways of being and local ways of understanding the world but another way, foreign discourse works to supplant local discourses.

I am not anti-development. But if people are happy with the way they are, like living less than two dollar a day, being “primitive” in terms of living under subsistence farming system, what authority do we have to intervene or even alter the way they are? Why would we think that our way of living is superior to others? What authority do we have to impose our value systems to the others?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Second Video on Papua New Guinea

We traveled from Port Morseby to Wau, the only way is by boat, and then trek across two forests.

The boat owner likes to sing. His singing became this video's background music.

He told his life stories:
His father walked away from his mother when he was a teen. Not having a fatherly figure to look up to while he didn't want to burden his mother, he left home. He made it.

He'd say, the most important ingredient of lasting marriage is honesty.
"well, when I do wrong things, she corrects me; when she doesn't do well, I will tell her."

Along the way, we visited different villages, each has their own beauty and charm.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

First Video On Papua New Guinea

During my second winter break in the UNI education, together with 4 other people, including an independent filmmaker, a writer, and 2 other students, we conducted a 5-week traveling and film making journey to Papua New Guinea, which is less traveled yet one of most bio-diverse countries in the world.

It is a pacific Island country. It has been colonized by Australia.

Upon our arrival, we stayed in a middle class family in Papua New Guinea.
The couple are police officers. As polygamy is allowed in PNG, this is Ape's (the husband) second marriage.

Rural-urban Migration is a phenomena in many developing countries, PNG is of no exception. Both Ape and his wife are rural migrants, to seek better job opportunity in the Capital, Port Moseby.

As they know that we are going to stay in their family, they prepare us a big dinner, with chicken included. Vegetables and yam are typical dishes in PNG. They also use Coconut milk to cook the rice.

So from the afternoon till the night falls, it takes few hours to prepare the dinner. Due to the hot weather, we eat outside the house.

This is Ape's eldest daughter singing.

The video showed our very first meal in Papua New Guinea. Around 90% population are Christian. Many are raised to be Christian. From the song, you can see this is a Gospel song.

Sunday, July 10, 2011






- 黃碧雲。

我喜歡看劉美兒的blog. 她很知性, 她的文字有安慰的力量, 縱然她可能在現實生活中也受傷,像個頑皮/憂鬱/敏感/倔強的孩子.總會被她的文字感動,或許是因為她是一個很好的讀者有關.



Wednesday, July 6, 2011



電郵來自德國,作者是馬林(Merin),一個專業的小丑,他和同伴路卡斯(Lukas)成為小丑組合 Duo Desolato,名字的意思是兩個慘的人。路卡斯沒有多說,但29歲的馬林的確是有過一段混沌的歲月。






















那次的歷奇也打下了和路卡斯組成Duo Desolato的基礎。




Duo Desolato成立已接近兩年,馬林和路卡斯已在歐洲多個國家巡迴表演多次。三十而立,馬林說,住在柏林他經常回去家鄉小鎮探望母親,甚至開始寫電郵給久未聯絡的父親。







The Making Of A Professional Clown


Monday, July 4, 2011



"該電視劇主要講述作為外來工作者的郭海萍和郭海藻兩姐妹在江州(原作為上海)的的生活經歷。作為復旦大學化工科的畢業生,姐姐郭海萍與其男友蘇淳大學畢業後由於不甘家鄉小城市的生活而留在江州工作,兩人租住了10平方米的小屋子。海萍一生中所有的大事,基本上都是在這間小屋裡完成。後產下一女兒,需要在江州購買房子,以把留守在娘家的女兒接過來一起居住和教育,但因擔負首期房款而到處借錢籌款。 妹妹郭海藻與姐姐海萍感情要好,只要海萍需要,無論甚麼海藻都會願意給。海藻與同居男友小貝都是簡單的人,小貝盡可能做到普通生活裡充滿浪漫,用甜蜜的戀愛把海藻包裹起來。兩個小人兒就如此平穩又幸福的生活著,只等著存夠錢就結婚了。可惜生活不能只靠甜蜜來支撐,一旦遇到煩心事,問題就立刻會顯現出來。 妹妹郭海藻因工作關係接觸到市長秘書宋思明,後宋思明得知海藻為海萍的事而煩惱,主動借錢給海藻,更介紹海萍做外教兼職,讓她意外打開了事業局面。而每當海藻遇上麻煩,思明總有辦法替她解決,海藻的潛意識裡思明已經像是一個巨大的隱形人在後面撐著她,兩人終抑制不住發生了關係,亦開始發展成為情人關係。" --- wiki



每天一睜開眼,就有一串數字蹦出腦海,房貸六千、吃穿用度二千五、冉冉上幼兒園一千五、人情往來六百、交通費五百八、物業管理費三百四、手機電話費二百五、還有煤氣水電費二百,也就是說,從我甦醒的第一個呼吸起,我每天要至少進賬四百,至少!這就是我活在這個城市的成本。 這些數字逼得我,一天都不敢懈怠,根本來不急細想未來十年,我哪有什麼未來,我的未來就在當下,在眼前。

那天,陪媽媽去逛街,其實我們都不用走,那個人流就推著我們向前走,我想不走都不行,想停下都不行,我當時就笑了,我說這就是我們的生活。 來不及細想,沒有決斷,就這樣懵懵懂懂地,被人推著往前走。




後來我在一本書裡,找到巴菲特的一句話叫,永遠堅持價值投資的理念;他說不管在任何年代,任何社會、任何經濟環境下,投機的風險永遠要大於投資。 他說也許,從短期來看,一次投機,也許會讓你獲利很多;但是從長遠來看,任何一次投機,就會造成全盤皆輸。 但投資不一樣,投資是只要你堅持,物有所值,最終它會增值 並碩果纍纍的。 我覺得他話挺有道理的。我的理解是,只要你有信念,有追求,只要你堅持,那你一定會比隨波逐流,要行得遠,行得正。

就像宋思明,他很聰明 他是非常聰明 也很有才華 但是他如果能選擇一條正確的路 選擇正確的價值觀 我相信他的前途是無量的。但他恰恰沒有這麼做,他恰恰憑藉著自己一時的聰明,選擇了一條投機之路,最終,還是隨波逐流了。海藻,我在這個城市算是扎根下來了,我相信憑我的堅持憑我的努力,最終我一定會過上我想要的日子。而你呢................


Thanks Chau Nog !
You're an angel.

That's the most wonderful post-tip message I have ever happily received. :D

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Randomly, Tom MaRae pops up in my mind.
so a little bit of Melancholy, a little bit of insure, in the face of future, in the face of all flash-and-blood competition, drives, the self-doubt sets in. Yet the faint voice within telling me to dream big, there is a whole lot of a big, wild world for me to explore.

Last year, I was interning in Wen Wei Pao, I was flying to Ghana. I learned the pathetic history of the African continent, of course finding the triumph of human spirits over the slavery trade, over the corruption, over the tribal fights.

Tom Mcrae was the best company over the course of stay.

Right now, anticipating the trip to Poland, the 2-month traveling later on, there is something parallel to the state of mind when I was in Ghana.

a bit surreal, a bit tiresome, a bit insecure, a bit marveled by the arrangement that God has lied for me...

and in times, music provides the best condolence.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


禮堂裏充滿了不少前來觀禮的人, 不同的方言, 可有著的是相同的驕傲。而當中的學生都是為父母的前來而驕傲, 無論是衣著光鮮, 還是寒酸。

很多人都說, 一個好男孩就要看他是不是孝順,我敢說,我弟弟是一個百分之百的好男孩,不煙不酒, 什麼事都以家人為主。

他知道姑媽想見我, 所以極力邀請我去他的畢業典禮. 當然, 他的細心和周全的考慮也讓我佩服。他寫了幾個郵件給我, 問了我的意見. 知道我晚了到達廣州, 他特地麻煩他的同學,開車在火車站等我。

見面,他帶點激動地說, 「我很開心你來, 因為如果不是你,姑媽也不會來。她說, 如果你90%會來, 她會有95%來。她很喜歡你。」

平時很節儉的他, 帶我們去吃最貴的早餐, 吃最好的午餐。對於姑媽,他顯示出的是鐵漢柔情,拖著她的手向前走, 細心地用客家話解釋著校園生活的種種。

之前, 他來香港做兼職, 用當中的薪金買了一台電腦給在鄉下的表妹, 「她說悶嘛, 有電腦有互聯網的世界,生活有趣一點。」

終於看見了他的女朋友, 是汕尾人, 不會聽客定話, 可在弟弟與姑媽談時,他會教她。有時也免不了調侃她一番, 當姑媽不停說弟弟帥氣出色時, 弟弟便說, 「你看你撿到便宜了, 我是如此帥氣, 愛上像你這樣一個平凡的女生。」
女朋友嘉嘉只是笑了笑, 「自戀狂。」

回家, 弟弟送我去乘地鐵, 他說:

「我還不敢去拜訪她父母, 因為我還沒有自己的事業, 他們其實不太喜歡我, 但我能了解, 畢竟是父母, 總想自己的兒女得到最好的。但我現在挺滿足的, 有工作, 有房子住, 有女朋友, 有閒錢的時候和女朋友拍拖。什麼時候結婚, 我不知道, 但女朋友說, 縱使她父母反對, 她也跟定我了, 她讀牙醫的嘛, 我們一起賺錢, 還是可以小康的。」

簡短的一天半, 竟有點像是「再回首已是百年身」的看過去, 體味人生。
坐上火車的一刻, 弟弟發來一條短訊「謝謝你來, 我為有像你這樣一個出色的姐姐而驕傲。」在那一刻, 竟有想哭的衝動。

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珠江三角洲經濟融合的好處之一是,只要有100元,有大約1.5 小時的時間,就可以從香港過去廣州。

在內地讀大學的弟弟畢業了,他邀請我去他的畢業典禮. 在此要有一些的context,才能知道當中的邀請對我來說有多大的意義。


所以與他們之間所謂的血濃於水, such entitlement is only mentally but not emotionally related. we were like strangers. we grow up in different contexts, we bear different cultural marks. but tracing back, we all have the same root.






:你知道嗎, 你叫過我40天的「媽媽」,因為你媽媽改嫁嘛,你爸爸的其他姐妹都有自己的負擔,最後照顧你和你弟弟的擔子便落在我身上,對於自己親哥哥的骨肉,難道不理嗎?

:你小時候已很聰明了, 當大家都鼓勵你叫我的婆婆和老爺叫「爺爺奶奶」,你只是吐了吐舌頭,大概是因為你覺得為什麼要叫他們「爺爺奶奶」吧! 當時稻田沒有水,你會說, "唉呀, 我家裏的田也應該沒水了" 那時你才3歲.

:你跟我死去的女兒李鳳很像,到了一個程度是, 有人指著你說, '咦, 李鳳不是死了嗎? 怎麼復活了?'


:你爸爸呀,很頑固,一定要在身體很不舒服時才肯去看醫生,最後是尿毒症,而且已是晚期了,以當時的醫學來說,是沒有救,最後我們幾兄弟姐妹去紹興陪他走最後的一程。在他去的最後一晚,我們睡同一張床,因為天氣冷,我要給他暖被窩,他跟我說,如果我死了,那該怎麼辦, 所有的小孩都還小,而你弟弟更還沒有出生,我跟他說, 放心吧, 我們會幫你養,生活是困難點,也只能這樣了。然後,他第二天一早便去世了. 他的生日和你二姐的一樣,而他的死忌則是你的生日.


:你姑丈死去的時候,其實也沒有什麼,日子還好,總得活下去,比你媽媽的好一點,因為我的兒女包括你弟弟都已成長,而我又會開摩托三輛車,好在我會開三輛車,靠載客維生. 當中呀,沒有什麼技巧,要大膽,因為在道路上,人車爭路,你要小心行人,又要小心大貨車.我是挺滿足的了,因為我可以自食其力,現在每個月有1700元,(當一斤苦瓜才5毫子時,1700可以是很多)比上不足,比下有餘. (她吃吃地笑了)



:你媽媽比較悲觀,很容易哭,看不開,所以才會有那麼多的情緒病. 我嘛,比較樂觀,沒辦法嘛,事情都發生了,唯有向前看.


:一定要生小孩,祖宗傳下來的,中國國家領導人中, 只有周恩來才沒有後嗣。

好像是跟失落的過去重新連接,一直飄泊的人生找到 了一些的根,以前不在乎所謂的親情,現在開始相信也開始去明白...

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