it is known that students should submit their assignment on time, should try their best to learn and demonstrate what they have learned.
apparently, I am vary bad at following the rules.
so there are 3 deadlines to meet these few days, a feature story, a feature video, an end-of-the-term essay,
in the end, I broke all the deadlines.
Although the rule of hand-in-on-time stated strictly on the course outline and A mark deduction will be resulted as penalty. I did not care.
Somehow it reminded me what rules mean in Mexico.
No Alcohol beverage is allowed in student dormitory. When a Czech Republic guy was holding a dinner gathering, We drank wine and beer publicly. But no one seemed to bother.
Then one of the attendees has made the remark:
"They have this and that kind of rules, but the interesting thing is, if you break it, nothing will happen."
I am not applying the lesson learned here. I have been notorious for breaking the deadlines. sometimes, I get punished, but most of the time, I get away from it.
just randomly remembered such event, randomly making connections between the past and present.
Damn, I miss Mexico, and Yes, I am little bit afraid of the future uncertainty.
I won't have rule-breaking courage / privilege once enter the working field.
arghhhh !!!!
so, I was justifying for my deadline-breaking...
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
暗地裏,有一把聲音對自己說:“秋娥,沒關係的,一切都會好起來的。” "
「我所追求的強,並不是要論輸贏的強。也不是想要一道對 抗反彈外來力量的牆。我要的是遭受外力來襲時,能夠耐得 住的強。能對不公、不幸、悲傷、誤解或不了解——能夠靜 靜忍耐下去的強。」---春上村樹
去年的事件重演, 於是再把去年的隨筆拿出來, 可當中的執著與棱角少了... 心態也不同了...原來這就叫成長.
暗地裏,有一把聲音對自己說:“秋娥,沒關係的,一切都會好起來的。” "
去年的事件重演, 於是再把去年的隨筆拿出來, 可當中的執著與棱角少了... 心態也不同了...原來這就叫成長.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
In commemoration of Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Even though years after, such images and stories are still profoundly heart-wrenching.
Pain, Suffering, Struggle, Carrying on, Giving up, Dehumanizing, Re-humanizing, Life, Death, Despair, Hope, Wounded, Healed, Simplicity, Love...
All these humble yourself down as a human and reflect on what it means to be a human....
Photos can be viewed by the following link :
Pain, Suffering, Struggle, Carrying on, Giving up, Dehumanizing, Re-humanizing, Life, Death, Despair, Hope, Wounded, Healed, Simplicity, Love...
All these humble yourself down as a human and reflect on what it means to be a human....
Photos can be viewed by the following link :
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
「WA」 的邀請
「WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA !!!!!!!!!!!!!」
WA除了是中文「嘩」的譯音,亦是英文 『World Assembly』的簡寫。在去年11月,當我還在墨西哥作交換生的時候,便收到一個「WA」的邀請,作為基督徒學生福音團契 (Fellowship of Evangelical Students) 的其中一個香港代表,於今年7月23日至8月3日,到波蘭出席四年一次的世界基督徒學生福音團契大會。
「IFES World Assembly 2011」(詳情可參閱:
這 個邀請既叫我謙卑,亦令我感到榮耀,希望藉此跟大家分享天父的帶領,願你們能夠以禱告和奉獻,參與其中。
關於世界基督徒學生福音團契(International Fellowship of Evangelical Students)
IFES 世界基督徒學生福音團契是一個國際性不分宗派的基督徒運動,自1947年成立已來,已在全球超過150個國家展開校園福音運動,致力建立學生信徒團體,在 學校、教會及社會發揮信徒的影響力,從而彰顯神的名。(詳情可參閱:
每 隔四年,全球各地的基督徒學生福音團契的學生、員工及管理層代表,包括隸屬其的136個學生運動組織代表,便會聚在一起,以回顧並慶祝神在各國校園展開的 使工。
在大會上,代表們會一起敬拜、查經,回顧及展望未來的校園福音工作。同時,我們也會互相分享神在各自使工上的作工, 從而彼此學習,激勵,而代表亦能從中去更新各自在福音工作上的遠景及異象。
和 香港基督徒學生福音團契的緣份起於中學時期閱讀該機構的雜誌《Catch》,一本從生活、潮流和文化現象去探討信仰的雜誌。在中七時,看見《Catch》 雜誌招募作者,便毛遂自薦地加入了《Catch》這個大家庭,成為作者之一。我寫的是人物專訪,專欄名稱叫<Catch The Unique>,從人物的故事帶出信仰的道理。
為 什麼我想去?我的尋找又是什麼?
對於前面的路該如何 走,對於生命的召命,其實是人越大越模糊。想轉換一個新環境,想經歷不同的衝擊,從而令自己對生命中隱而未見的召命看得清晰一點,於是在大學三年級的上學 期去了墨西哥作交換生。五個月的交流生活過去了,而交流回來後的最後一個大學學期也快要終結了,當初帶去墨西哥的問題還是沒有答案,而這次波蘭會議好像冥 冥中的一個記號,某種的召命讓我去看究竟神在我生命中的旨意是什麼。因為還要修一個暑期課程才能畢業,(大概在七月)並不像同屆的畢業生要在四五月時找工 作,並立即入職場。
邀請人香港基督徒學生福音團契的大專部負責人李奕惇先生在他的電郵中提到,「讓我們去看這會不會是一個 好機會/意念了解神在你生命中的計劃。」
收到邀請的時侯,我也有掙扎過:「天哪,我何德何能,沒有很積極地投入大專校園的 福音工作,而自己的屬靈生活也是僵在不冷不熱的膠著狀態中,出席這樣一個的世界大會,真是一個諷刺。」
對於當中的自我懷 疑,李奕惇先生開解道:「你作為基督徒的身份不僅局限於你在基督徒圈子內的事工,而是你的生命如何活出基督。而且神才是有最後有話事權的那位。」
而 我去大會網站了解會議的詳情時,其中一段文字,令我動容:
Daniel Bourdanné文字的透徹與寫實讓人無法不感動的好,而從中也可看到他在會議中再次肯定神的大能,堅定對祂的信心,並對未來的工作充滿信心,那種震撼 生命的力量叫我折服,希望自己的生命也能從中被搖動,並帶著那份感動回來香港,除了更好地去面對自己的人生,也希望能夠把自己所觀察到的,體驗到的,跟香 港同行者分享,並參與其中。
雖然覺得自己不夠,也不配,但還是藉著內心深處的一絲感動,滿懷謙卑與感恩,接受是次的邀請, 在今年7月23日至8月3日,出席在波蘭舉行的世界基督徒學生福音團契大會。
弟 兄姊妹,很想邀請你們以禱告守望,以奉獻支持,與我一起參與神國的事工。請為以下事項代禱:
1. 我們一行五人:包括三位來自不同院校的學生和兩位機構同工,彼此能夠合一、互相配搭,與聖靈同工。
2. 讓我們能在會議中,與來自不同國家的代表,有美好的交流,並能在當中更好地體察神的心意,經歷神更多。
3. 為我畢業後的工作祈禱,求主帶領。
香港基督徒學生福音團契為了讓我們親自體驗憑信心仰賴神的供應,鼓勵我們以信心籌募參與 會議所需的費用,合共約港幣$20,000 (包括會議費用美元$1,000 及機票約港幣$10,000-$12,000)。知道神必照祂在基督耶穌裡榮耀的豐富,滿足我們一切的需要。甘心樂意奉獻的,神說會「為你們敞開天窗, 把福氣倒給你們,直到充足有餘呢!」
請在支票或銀行收據背面寫上姓名、地址及注明「支持黃秋娥參加World Assembly 2011」,並寫上你的中英文全名、電話和地址,以便寄上免稅收據。於5月 30日前寄回FES (地址:九龍尖沙咀彌敦道138號聖安德烈基督中心二字樓。) 或直接把現金、 支票或存款收據正本交給我,謝謝!
E- mail/
「WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA !!!!!!!!!!!!!」
WA除了是中文「嘩」的譯音,亦是英文 『World Assembly』的簡寫。在去年11月,當我還在墨西哥作交換生的時候,便收到一個「WA」的邀請,作為基督徒學生福音團契 (Fellowship of Evangelical Students) 的其中一個香港代表,於今年7月23日至8月3日,到波蘭出席四年一次的世界基督徒學生福音團契大會。
「IFES World Assembly 2011」(詳情可參閱:
這 個邀請既叫我謙卑,亦令我感到榮耀,希望藉此跟大家分享天父的帶領,願你們能夠以禱告和奉獻,參與其中。
關於世界基督徒學生福音團契(International Fellowship of Evangelical Students)
IFES 世界基督徒學生福音團契是一個國際性不分宗派的基督徒運動,自1947年成立已來,已在全球超過150個國家展開校園福音運動,致力建立學生信徒團體,在 學校、教會及社會發揮信徒的影響力,從而彰顯神的名。(詳情可參閱:
每 隔四年,全球各地的基督徒學生福音團契的學生、員工及管理層代表,包括隸屬其的136個學生運動組織代表,便會聚在一起,以回顧並慶祝神在各國校園展開的 使工。
在大會上,代表們會一起敬拜、查經,回顧及展望未來的校園福音工作。同時,我們也會互相分享神在各自使工上的作工, 從而彼此學習,激勵,而代表亦能從中去更新各自在福音工作上的遠景及異象。
和 香港基督徒學生福音團契的緣份起於中學時期閱讀該機構的雜誌《Catch》,一本從生活、潮流和文化現象去探討信仰的雜誌。在中七時,看見《Catch》 雜誌招募作者,便毛遂自薦地加入了《Catch》這個大家庭,成為作者之一。我寫的是人物專訪,專欄名稱叫<Catch The Unique>,從人物的故事帶出信仰的道理。
為 什麼我想去?我的尋找又是什麼?
對於前面的路該如何 走,對於生命的召命,其實是人越大越模糊。想轉換一個新環境,想經歷不同的衝擊,從而令自己對生命中隱而未見的召命看得清晰一點,於是在大學三年級的上學 期去了墨西哥作交換生。五個月的交流生活過去了,而交流回來後的最後一個大學學期也快要終結了,當初帶去墨西哥的問題還是沒有答案,而這次波蘭會議好像冥 冥中的一個記號,某種的召命讓我去看究竟神在我生命中的旨意是什麼。因為還要修一個暑期課程才能畢業,(大概在七月)並不像同屆的畢業生要在四五月時找工 作,並立即入職場。
邀請人香港基督徒學生福音團契的大專部負責人李奕惇先生在他的電郵中提到,「讓我們去看這會不會是一個 好機會/意念了解神在你生命中的計劃。」
收到邀請的時侯,我也有掙扎過:「天哪,我何德何能,沒有很積極地投入大專校園的 福音工作,而自己的屬靈生活也是僵在不冷不熱的膠著狀態中,出席這樣一個的世界大會,真是一個諷刺。」
對於當中的自我懷 疑,李奕惇先生開解道:「你作為基督徒的身份不僅局限於你在基督徒圈子內的事工,而是你的生命如何活出基督。而且神才是有最後有話事權的那位。」
而 我去大會網站了解會議的詳情時,其中一段文字,令我動容:
“當今世界充斥著宗教多元化、 不道德、理想破滅和不確定,世界遂漸被所謂的人文主義、被不公義、不公平蠶食著,然而這也是更好的時機,讓我們一起走進世界,走進校園,宣揚耶穌的名字, 因為祂早已走過那段路。”以上是IFES 的總幹事Daniel Bourdanné在2007年的世界基督徒學生福音團契大會的閉幕演講辭。
Daniel Bourdanné文字的透徹與寫實讓人無法不感動的好,而從中也可看到他在會議中再次肯定神的大能,堅定對祂的信心,並對未來的工作充滿信心,那種震撼 生命的力量叫我折服,希望自己的生命也能從中被搖動,並帶著那份感動回來香港,除了更好地去面對自己的人生,也希望能夠把自己所觀察到的,體驗到的,跟香 港同行者分享,並參與其中。
雖然覺得自己不夠,也不配,但還是藉著內心深處的一絲感動,滿懷謙卑與感恩,接受是次的邀請, 在今年7月23日至8月3日,出席在波蘭舉行的世界基督徒學生福音團契大會。
弟 兄姊妹,很想邀請你們以禱告守望,以奉獻支持,與我一起參與神國的事工。請為以下事項代禱:
1. 我們一行五人:包括三位來自不同院校的學生和兩位機構同工,彼此能夠合一、互相配搭,與聖靈同工。
2. 讓我們能在會議中,與來自不同國家的代表,有美好的交流,並能在當中更好地體察神的心意,經歷神更多。
3. 為我畢業後的工作祈禱,求主帶領。
香港基督徒學生福音團契為了讓我們親自體驗憑信心仰賴神的供應,鼓勵我們以信心籌募參與 會議所需的費用,合共約港幣$20,000 (包括會議費用美元$1,000 及機票約港幣$10,000-$12,000)。知道神必照祂在基督耶穌裡榮耀的豐富,滿足我們一切的需要。甘心樂意奉獻的,神說會「為你們敞開天窗, 把福氣倒給你們,直到充足有餘呢!」
- 支票:請 用劃線支票,以 “Fellowship of Evangelical Students (H.K.) Ltd.” 或「香港基督徒學生福音團契有限公司」抬頭。
- 直接入數:本 港奉獻者可將捐款直接存入恆生戶口: 024-286-126024-002 或 匯豐銀行戶口:-004108-074980-001 “Fellowship of Evangelical Students (H.K.) Ltd.”
請在支票或銀行收據背面寫上姓名、地址及注明「支持黃秋娥參加World Assembly 2011」,並寫上你的中英文全名、電話和地址,以便寄上免稅收據。於5月 30日前寄回FES (地址:九龍尖沙咀彌敦道138號聖安德烈基督中心二字樓。) 或直接把現金、 支票或存款收據正本交給我,謝謝!
E- mail/
The calling from Poland
An Invitation
“WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“WA” is not only an expression to show one’s excitement / surprises, but also an acronym for “World Assembly”.
On behalf of FES Hong Kong, I am inviting you to join a visit to Poland next July. It's called IFES World Assembly 2011. Delegates (students and staff workers) from all FES movements around the world will be going to Poland during 23 July – 3 August 2011. FES Hong Kong is planning to send 5 delegates, and we would like to invite you to be one of them.
You can check out further details concerning WA 2011 here:
God bless,
The above invitation was received last November when I was having my exchange semester in Mexico. With mixed feelings of shock, surprise, humility, gratitude and honor, I would like to share the amazing journey with you.
About IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students)
IFES is a global community of indigenous student movements, called to engage the university with the good news of Jesus Christ. Currently there are more than 500,000 students involved in over 150 national movements worldwide. Its vision is to see students built into communities of disciples, transformed by the gospel impacting the university, the church and society for the glory of Christ.
Every four years, students, staff and board members from IFES student movements come together in celebration of what God is doing in campuses across the world.
Together these people represent the 136 member movements of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), as well as the groups in another 24 countries who work closely with IFES.
At World Assembly, the Fellowship worships together, reviews and plans for the future. It is a time for us to share with one another how God is at work through our movements. We will learn from one another and renew our vision for work of the global Fellowship, as well as our own ministry.
My connection with FES (Fellowship of Evangelical Students, HK)
It has all traced back to my secondary school years when I started to read one of the publications from the organization, entitled <Catch>, which is to see the current world, including society phenomenon, film, music and news from a Christian point of view. Upon my high school graduation, there was a new recruit for the magazine writers. Without any hesitation, I sent my application. Therefore, I have been a contributor for the magazine since 2008. Currently, I am responsible for writing profiles to the column “Catch the Unique.”
Why do I want to participate in the WA? What do I aim to achieve?
What kind of profession should I go into? How would I live according to God’s will? The older I grow, the more unclear I feel in the face of such questions. With the notion that a switch of the environment may help me figure out the life calling, I decided to go on exchange in Mexico from August to December, 2010. Yet, upon my return, all the questions I have I did not answer there, even now, upon the university graduation, I am still finding the answer.
The invitation came in the right time. Despite being the final year student, I still have a summer class which will take place in July, to fulfill my graduation requirement. Unlike my fellow companions, rushing over the job-hunting process, I can still exploit the privilege of being a student for few more months. And the assembly fits into the perfect niche of time.
Daniel, the FES representative, wrote in his invitation email: “let’s see if this turns out to be a good timing/idea for your plan in God's hand.”
Of course, I did have hesitation upon accepting the invitation. It was like, “Whoa, participants of the WA are highly involved in student movements in Campus. Sadly, I am neither an active Christian in campus nor a spiritually advanced person. My attendance will mark an irony for the assembly. ”
With regard to my self-doubt, Daniel responded, “Knowing your life as a Christian is not bound by what you do in the Christian circle, but your life / being as a whole counts as well. And it's really up to God to have the final say.”
At the same time, a quote from the IFES General Secretary has deeply moved my heart:
These were Daniel Bourdanné's closing words at the end of World Assembly 2007 in Canada. It has captured the reality that we are living in, spoken the words from my heart. Despite the depiction of pressing reality, it has offered hope and power for us to carry on, reminding us of our purpose of existence in this world. They are just few sentences, but you can feel how profound impact the world assembly has on participants.
I hope I can attend the WA and have life-shattering or even life-altering experiences, such that I can have a better insight into life calling and share the concerns and connections gained in IFES World Assembly 2011 with other students in Hong Kong, to be more involved in the student movement.
Although feeling undeserved, with a humble heart to learn and live, I have accepted the invitation with great pride and honor. So I will be going to Poland to attend the IFES World Assembly 2011 from July 23 to August 3 this summer.
You Are Wanted
Brothers and Sisters, I would like to invite you to support me either spiritually or financially or both.
Please put me into your prayer:
Conference fees (per delegate): US$1,000
Air-ticket (per seat): USD $ 1,300-USD$ 1,500
You can make an offering by the following means:
Please state 「Support Chaunog To Attend WA 2011, together with your Name, Tel and Address on the back of the cheque / receipt, so a receipt can be sent to you as a proof for tax allowance (Hong Kong only)
Please send the cheque / banking receipt to the following address by May 30, 2011.
2/F, St. Andrew's Christian Center, 138 Nathan Rd, Kln, Hong Kong.
Or alternatively, you can hand in Cash / Cheque / banking transaction receipt to me. Thank you!
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me :
Email/ Facebook:
In Him,
“WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“WA” is not only an expression to show one’s excitement / surprises, but also an acronym for “World Assembly”.
On behalf of FES Hong Kong, I am inviting you to join a visit to Poland next July. It's called IFES World Assembly 2011. Delegates (students and staff workers) from all FES movements around the world will be going to Poland during 23 July – 3 August 2011. FES Hong Kong is planning to send 5 delegates, and we would like to invite you to be one of them.
You can check out further details concerning WA 2011 here:
God bless,
The above invitation was received last November when I was having my exchange semester in Mexico. With mixed feelings of shock, surprise, humility, gratitude and honor, I would like to share the amazing journey with you.
About IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students)
IFES is a global community of indigenous student movements, called to engage the university with the good news of Jesus Christ. Currently there are more than 500,000 students involved in over 150 national movements worldwide. Its vision is to see students built into communities of disciples, transformed by the gospel impacting the university, the church and society for the glory of Christ.
Every four years, students, staff and board members from IFES student movements come together in celebration of what God is doing in campuses across the world.
Together these people represent the 136 member movements of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), as well as the groups in another 24 countries who work closely with IFES.
At World Assembly, the Fellowship worships together, reviews and plans for the future. It is a time for us to share with one another how God is at work through our movements. We will learn from one another and renew our vision for work of the global Fellowship, as well as our own ministry.
My connection with FES (Fellowship of Evangelical Students, HK)
It has all traced back to my secondary school years when I started to read one of the publications from the organization, entitled <Catch>, which is to see the current world, including society phenomenon, film, music and news from a Christian point of view. Upon my high school graduation, there was a new recruit for the magazine writers. Without any hesitation, I sent my application. Therefore, I have been a contributor for the magazine since 2008. Currently, I am responsible for writing profiles to the column “Catch the Unique.”
Why do I want to participate in the WA? What do I aim to achieve?
What kind of profession should I go into? How would I live according to God’s will? The older I grow, the more unclear I feel in the face of such questions. With the notion that a switch of the environment may help me figure out the life calling, I decided to go on exchange in Mexico from August to December, 2010. Yet, upon my return, all the questions I have I did not answer there, even now, upon the university graduation, I am still finding the answer.
The invitation came in the right time. Despite being the final year student, I still have a summer class which will take place in July, to fulfill my graduation requirement. Unlike my fellow companions, rushing over the job-hunting process, I can still exploit the privilege of being a student for few more months. And the assembly fits into the perfect niche of time.
Daniel, the FES representative, wrote in his invitation email: “let’s see if this turns out to be a good timing/idea for your plan in God's hand.”
Of course, I did have hesitation upon accepting the invitation. It was like, “Whoa, participants of the WA are highly involved in student movements in Campus. Sadly, I am neither an active Christian in campus nor a spiritually advanced person. My attendance will mark an irony for the assembly. ”
With regard to my self-doubt, Daniel responded, “Knowing your life as a Christian is not bound by what you do in the Christian circle, but your life / being as a whole counts as well. And it's really up to God to have the final say.”
At the same time, a quote from the IFES General Secretary has deeply moved my heart:
“The time has come now to leave this place, to go into the world of our campuses dominated by religious pluralism, immorality, disillusionment, uncertainties. It is time to go now into our world that is being destroyed by humanity, by injustice, by social inequalities, but remember that it is Jesus who is sending us because he has already gone before us...”
These were Daniel Bourdanné's closing words at the end of World Assembly 2007 in Canada. It has captured the reality that we are living in, spoken the words from my heart. Despite the depiction of pressing reality, it has offered hope and power for us to carry on, reminding us of our purpose of existence in this world. They are just few sentences, but you can feel how profound impact the world assembly has on participants.
I hope I can attend the WA and have life-shattering or even life-altering experiences, such that I can have a better insight into life calling and share the concerns and connections gained in IFES World Assembly 2011 with other students in Hong Kong, to be more involved in the student movement.
Although feeling undeserved, with a humble heart to learn and live, I have accepted the invitation with great pride and honor. So I will be going to Poland to attend the IFES World Assembly 2011 from July 23 to August 3 this summer.
You Are Wanted
Brothers and Sisters, I would like to invite you to support me either spiritually or financially or both.
Please put me into your prayer:
- Please pray that the Holy Spirit resides with us, despite different backgrounds and occupations, there is a unity in diversity among the 5 delegates. (3 students from different universities and 2 FES staff)
- We can have an excellent time with delegates from other countries. Through fruitful exchange, we get to know more about God and His will.
- My job-hunting process upon graduation
Conference fees (per delegate): US$1,000
Air-ticket (per seat): USD $ 1,300-USD$ 1,500
You can make an offering by the following means:
- Crossed Cheque titled payee as “Fellowship of Evangelical Students (H.K.) Ltd.”
- Direct deposit / transfer: Hang Seng Bank: 024-286-126024-002
Please state 「Support Chaunog To Attend WA 2011, together with your Name, Tel and Address on the back of the cheque / receipt, so a receipt can be sent to you as a proof for tax allowance (Hong Kong only)
Please send the cheque / banking receipt to the following address by May 30, 2011.
2/F, St. Andrew's Christian Center, 138 Nathan Rd, Kln, Hong Kong.
Or alternatively, you can hand in Cash / Cheque / banking transaction receipt to me. Thank you!
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me :
Email/ Facebook:
In Him,
Daysinmexico Blog Imported
To have a integral overview of my blogging life, I have imported all the posts from my previous blog Daysinmexico which I wrote about my Mexico Exchange Experiences .
Most of Them are in the 2010 blog archive .
It is quite interesting to read those blog entries. They were some of my life experiences/ reflections last semester, yet it feels so distant right now...
Gosh, Time...
Most of Them are in the 2010 blog archive .
It is quite interesting to read those blog entries. They were some of my life experiences/ reflections last semester, yet it feels so distant right now...
Gosh, Time...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
A bit of Hong Kong
A friend was telling me that, it is quite depressing and suffocating to live in Hong Kong, "just by looking its buildings, they are all the same. A small box after a small box, an identity stacks up another identity." while she was speaking, she put her left hand on her right hand to show how the houses in HK are structured.
Few friends have shared that either they themselves or their family have suffered from some kind of psychological /mental disorders. A lecturer has made the following remark:
" If you need a stop, the society keeps rolling on. Hong Kong waits for no one."
The above two remarks lingered in my mind for quite a while. The more I pay attention to the city, to its architecture, the more I feel pathetic towards the city. Public housing is designed identically, the luxurious housing is constructed similarly.
Oh, how depressing, how straggling it is...
But is there any alternative?
Few friends have shared that either they themselves or their family have suffered from some kind of psychological /mental disorders. A lecturer has made the following remark:
" If you need a stop, the society keeps rolling on. Hong Kong waits for no one."
The above two remarks lingered in my mind for quite a while. The more I pay attention to the city, to its architecture, the more I feel pathetic towards the city. Public housing is designed identically, the luxurious housing is constructed similarly.
Oh, how depressing, how straggling it is...
But is there any alternative?
Friday, April 22, 2011
很少跟老媽談天,很多時,是她一個人的獨白, 而我是聽眾.
在鏡頭下,我看見了平時我不敢直視的她, 她真的老了,而且在不覺意中,老得很快. 真的, 在變幻的人生中,歲月,原來是最大的賊....
很少跟老媽談天,很多時,是她一個人的獨白, 而我是聽眾.
在鏡頭下,我看見了平時我不敢直視的她, 她真的老了,而且在不覺意中,老得很快. 真的, 在變幻的人生中,歲月,原來是最大的賊....
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
而沒有考試的她,在今天4月20日, 便會飛去frankfurt,Germany與丈夫團聚.
21歲的她在去年便與年長她八年,在香港讀完 master of Journalism 的男朋友結婚了.
Dima 是一個傳奇.
在syria 出生、成長的她, 18歲時作了一個改變她一生的決定. 上網看到香港大學新聞系的課程,於是便膽粗粗地寫了一封電郵申請.
大學教授看到遠從敘利亞而來的申請,也吃驚了,而申請者只是一個18歲的小妮子,便打了個電話,問: "are you sure you wanna come to Hong Kong to study?"
電話訪問後, 於是她被錄取了.
由於從小在國際學校讀書, 母語是阿拉伯語的Dima 講一口流利的英文.性格活潑開朗的她,很快適應了香港的生活,有一大堆的朋友.當然包括當時男朋友/ 現在的老公, 而互聯網的發展, 不同的軟件,減去了不少的思鄉之苦, Dima幾乎每天都和家人facebook, MSN 和 Skype.
在year2的下學期,Dima 去了瑞典交流,之後是與男友的暢遊歐洲.而大概是因為家庭/ 宗教的傳統,Dima與男友在去年結婚了. 男友更因為她而改變了宗教信仰.
只是21歲的她, 說,厭倦了讀書,想有一個break.究竟去了法蘭克福後,人生會是如何,未來的路該如何走,Dima說也不清楚,只是小兩口一起, 那已足夠.
出生於1990年1月1日, 於是每年的新年,你會記得有一個叫Dima 的敘利亞女生, 名字的發音令人想起廣東話的問候語: "點嗎?"
特地選了林一峰劇場版的<當我想起你> 為這個blog entry的配樂, 為的是記念這三年來,大學中遇到的每一個你和妳.
Monday, April 18, 2011
just let it slide
"The absurdity of life reaches me more than ever."
He wrote.
Another interesting character I met in Mexico. Back in Hong Kong, despite the 14-hour difference, we manage to have a little online chat.
He is pretty philosophical, he is very intelligent, on the hand, very chaotic at times.
tracing back to the root cause, what has shaped the way he is profoundly, again,FAMILY.
Though being random, one of his stories has helped to embark my long journey from Mexico crossed the boarder through the most dangerous city in Mexico---Ciudad Juarez, to Texas, BY BUS, like many poor Mexicans do. (hahaha, indeed, I was broke.)
Running away from the Mexico bus stop when the boarder officer demanded me to pay for the return visa, which was nonsense, --- "man, I am leaving, won't return at least for a while"; Getting stranded at the boarder; sitting outside the immigration department in a frigging chilly night for 2 hours only to find out I had waited in the wrong place; missed the last bus, slept over in a bus station with a group of African Americans....
All these were in an attempt to keep a promise in spite a broken one...
He told me that, he had a deal with his previous girl friend, going to Cuba together. Before the promise was materialized, they broke up.
Nonetheless, he went to Cuba by himself. "I guess she did the same too." He said.
I don't know why, the story has deeply moved me.
Before going to Mexico, I went to Ghana for a field trip. During Ghana days, there is a sage-like African -American lady, who returned to Ghana after years of root-finding.
When it comes to the slavery issue, against the conventional victimized sense of tragedy, she said, "to me, it is a triumph of human spirit. what made them (slaves) wake up everyday despite the pressing life? It's their children. Hope them can get a better life. To me, each Child is an embodiment of a dream, accumulated from generations. and because of that, all the cultures come together. You have raggae, R&B, Blues, Hip Hop... "
We just spent two days together, already, her charisma has impressed me a lot. I wanted to learn from her.
When she knew that I was going to Mexico for exchange, she invited me to visit her during Christmas when she would having a business trip in New Mexico, the US.
I wrote to her at the begging of December, all were set. when I wrote to ask where I should meet her exactly after I returned from the south of Mexico to Monterrey, (the north of Mexico), she never replied.
Two options were open to me: either go directly to Los Angeles (a friend is there and I would fly back to HK from there ) or to New Mexico.
During the decision Making process, His story popped up. and I decided to go to New Mexico by myself despite knowing no one, despite the two luggages I had with me....
Courch surfing saved me. In one week, I stayed with 3 families. all are distinct in their stories.
Havah, 25-year old girl, already planning the second divorce in marriage.
19-year her had carried the dead body of her own child, running on the street in a rainy, chilly night in search of a free coffin;
23-year her fell in love with a Pakistani in LA. Although she knew that he married her just in an attempt to get a green card, she helped him, she even converted from being a Jew to a Muslim.
but now,she is getting a divorce with him.
Mayra, a 32-year old biologist. living alone. the strict family upbringing has already made her give up upon love. She brought me to snow-shoeing, to the indigenous village in New Mexico;
Rob and Catherine, a devoted Christian Couple. It was New Year Eve, Rob is an Italian. He told me his pretty screwed up life. Well, again, broken family, drug addict, leading his first broken marriage. while he was thinking to be a car driver, illegally trafficking drugs from Colombia to the US. He got the divine calling. Life is not easy on him, but gradually he manged to turn a new leaf.
He just told me, "Honey, you need a home."
During the first couch surfing, I met two siblings, a brother and a sister. one's father married the other's mother, that's how they become siblings.
Nizmo, the sister, 21-year-old, healthy-conscious girl, like being alone, walking alone, jogging alone, did two month traveling in Canada (alone?) by hitchhiking;
Andrew, the brother, also 21 years old, has a rebellious/ self-imposed exile back in 19-year-old self. following a group of hippies, traveling around the US by hitchhiking, jumping on the train...
Needing a break/ escape, just brought a ticket to Thailand without any prior knowledge, plans on the landing, and spent one-month there, "same-same but different." he told me....
So what I wanted to say here, the absurdity of life strikes us at different times, and will constantly come back....
Well, just let it slide, life is absurd, just let it slide...........
Sunday, April 17, 2011
談起歌,朋友說, 有一些歌要是經過某些年月的洗禮,有了那麼一點的經歷才能唱出/明白當中的意味:
在一個有關出道十年的演唱會上,播了一段video,當中陳奕迅訴說在飛機上聽著 當初自己唱的<我的快樂時代>,而淚流滿面的經歷,他說,直到今天,他終於懂了當中的意思,然後是音樂響起,陳出場唱出 <我的快樂時代>...
所有的離愁別緒開始register into the little mind.
借一個記者之言, "沒有忘懷從前,亦不會逃避以後."
作曲/編曲/監製:林健華(Black Box)
難堪的不想 只想痛快事情
時間尚早 別張開眼睛
* 長路漫漫是如何走過
離時代遠遠 沒人間煙火
願我可 *
從今天開始 相識當作別離
Repeat *
時間夠了 時針偏偏出了錯
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Hello Goodbye
It is hard to believe that, in a week's time, it is going to be the last lecture for my university education. Oh, I am still struggle to accept the fact that, I am graduating...
have not started job-hunting yet...
I have taken a number of journalism classes this semester, walking up the stairs in the Yuet Ming Tsuen, all felt like yesterday, the year 1, a bit uncertain, a bit timid, a bit curious self.
stepping the stairs, time to say 'goodbye'.
In between Hello and Goodbye, different things have happened, it is hard to pick single life-altering event that makes the way I am. But when they come together, the beings and human beings I have encountered on the road/ during the journey, have made who I am now.
Hallo Goodbye ---The Pancakes
give me strength to overcome the fears
give me dough to buy another beer
give me time to overcome
the shadow of the love we shared
and the nightmares that make me feel so scared
i have a room
i wanna be there all alone
all my life
i've been waiting for some time just for my own
time to carry out my plans
to form my garage band
and then...
can you listen to me
hallo goodbye
hallo hallo hallo goodbye
can you let me come take you to the sun
can you let me go do my one man show
just stay where you are
don't come close don't go too far
been a while since we said hi last time
how's your life and what's your new hairstyle
i've been walking round the world
collecting every key i see
but we're just no longer who we used to be
i feel so fine
now all the problems are behind
but still i, i'm afraid i cannot be your valentine
there're still more in front of me
still lots i wanna see
but not with you
not with you
can you listen to me
hallo goodbye
hallo hallo hallo goodbye
are you gonna come destroy all my fun
are you gonna go leave me in the snow
just stay where you are
don't come close don't go too far
baby listen to me
hallo goodbye
hallo hallo hallo goodbye
i will let you go
i will let you know
love is not a rope
it's more than a hope
forget what i said
turn away and don't look back
love is not a rope
it's more than a hope
all the wounds and pain
will go with the rain
when we meet again
only memories will remain
hallo goodbye goodbye
hallo goodbye byebye
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
"你想知道我的人生故事,沒關係,只要不披露我的身份,我可以毫無保留地說出來。" 44歲的Wendy說。
"我怕麻煩到你們,所以我親自來做訪問了." 她說, 隨行的還有她十歲的兒子.
太多的話想說,太多的情緒鬱結,訪問才開始不久,她已哭成淚人. 還未聽完問題,已答非所問地把自己的辛酸傾訴出來。
負責訪問的BBC記者, Fiona, 也沉默了, such sadness and desperation can be transmitted without verbal communication....
是次訪問,是BBC World service Radio 的一個節目,題材是有關精神健康,受訪的WENDY是抑鬱症患者。
你可以把所有對中港婚姻,新移民的stereotype都放在她身上,只是那都只是flattened reality.
抹殺了所有昔日的溫馨與希冀。惡言相向代替了當初的甜言蜜語;肢體衝撞是最貼身的接觸,曾經信誓旦旦說要"照顧你一輩子,無論貧賤富貴還是生老病死..." 變成了"你他媽的拖累了我..."
談到未來,WENDY 說,"我只希望兒女能用功讀書,有一份工作,可以支持生活,可以脫貧,而自己也可以做一些對社會有意義的事。"
WENDY 的小兒子房間的另一角看書。
"一個充滿動盪和災難的環境裡,人仍能擁抱對美好社會的盼望,並拿出無比的勇氣去實踐,即使過程中也有錯失的時候。" --張翠容
訪問完後,FIONA 給了300元的車馬費給WENDY。
"You tell her, I don't usually give money to people, I want to give her. treat it as I am buying her time for the interview." Fiona refused to get back the money.
同樣擁有一個十歲大的兒子的FIONA,替WENDY的兒子感到難過,"having such mom, when Wendy finds life hard, she is going to hit them."
"It must be hard for her son too. Listening to what she has said, all the bitterness and hardship..." A tinge of sadness can be seen from Fiona's face. Her voice is low, like being pressed upon, that sort of struggling tone...
"I don't know if it is right for me to give her money. Will she feel bad? but at that time, I just want to give her. so poor, so desperate, she came over to do the interview... Chau, Am I right to do so?" Fiona asked.
"But her children is also a source for her burden. and Wendy said, she tried to lecture them on working hard, they just called her 'psycho' and neglected her." I tried to give context for the situation.
想起之前看的一齣戲--《Into the Wild》男主角為的是父母的感情破裂,而懷疑人生,懷疑生存的意義,大學畢業後,把所有的身份證明文件都消毀,把所有的身外物都拋棄,孤身出走,named as supertramper, 流浪人生,品味孤獨。
最終孤獨在荒野死去,人生大限,領悟到的是: "Happiness is only real when shared."
想起在墨西哥遇見的以色列男人, GUY, 德國小丑, MERLIN. how has the parental relationship ruined a life. some are lucky, 在大喜大悲後,重新上路; some are so-so, 堅持走自己的路,只是永遠都在逃的狀態....
If parents are also learning how to be parents, can them be more cautious, they are ruining other lives ?
Fiona 說,不明白,為什麼亞洲人會把教育看得那麼重要,好像是成績好就等於聰明,好未來...
"It is a German school.They adopt different teaching methods. they allow children to try different things. To me, the most important in life is to be happy. let them have a happy growth. If the school doesn't suit him, he will lose the interest to explore further by himself. and even gradually give up learning." She said.
18歲高中畢業後,在printing industry 工作了5年, 後來發現自己沒上大學, 好像"something is missing", 於是重投大學, 在LSE (London School of Economics) 讀的是 international relationships.
畢業後, 曾在電視台便了一會兒,可覺得不適合自己, 於是去了BBC.
"I really love Radio. TV production needs a lot of people, the entire crew. But Radio. with a mic and a recorder, I have greater freedom and flexibility."
hmmmm, follow your heart, and choose whatever you love and love whatever you choose.
cliche, but finding what you love is a hard nut to crack while taking the reality into account.
"我怕麻煩到你們,所以我親自來做訪問了." 她說, 隨行的還有她十歲的兒子.
太多的話想說,太多的情緒鬱結,訪問才開始不久,她已哭成淚人. 還未聽完問題,已答非所問地把自己的辛酸傾訴出來。
負責訪問的BBC記者, Fiona, 也沉默了, such sadness and desperation can be transmitted without verbal communication....
是次訪問,是BBC World service Radio 的一個節目,題材是有關精神健康,受訪的WENDY是抑鬱症患者。
你可以把所有對中港婚姻,新移民的stereotype都放在她身上,只是那都只是flattened reality.
抹殺了所有昔日的溫馨與希冀。惡言相向代替了當初的甜言蜜語;肢體衝撞是最貼身的接觸,曾經信誓旦旦說要"照顧你一輩子,無論貧賤富貴還是生老病死..." 變成了"你他媽的拖累了我..."
談到未來,WENDY 說,"我只希望兒女能用功讀書,有一份工作,可以支持生活,可以脫貧,而自己也可以做一些對社會有意義的事。"
WENDY 的小兒子房間的另一角看書。
"一個充滿動盪和災難的環境裡,人仍能擁抱對美好社會的盼望,並拿出無比的勇氣去實踐,即使過程中也有錯失的時候。" --張翠容
訪問完後,FIONA 給了300元的車馬費給WENDY。
"You tell her, I don't usually give money to people, I want to give her. treat it as I am buying her time for the interview." Fiona refused to get back the money.
同樣擁有一個十歲大的兒子的FIONA,替WENDY的兒子感到難過,"having such mom, when Wendy finds life hard, she is going to hit them."
"It must be hard for her son too. Listening to what she has said, all the bitterness and hardship..." A tinge of sadness can be seen from Fiona's face. Her voice is low, like being pressed upon, that sort of struggling tone...
"I don't know if it is right for me to give her money. Will she feel bad? but at that time, I just want to give her. so poor, so desperate, she came over to do the interview... Chau, Am I right to do so?" Fiona asked.
"But her children is also a source for her burden. and Wendy said, she tried to lecture them on working hard, they just called her 'psycho' and neglected her." I tried to give context for the situation.
想起之前看的一齣戲--《Into the Wild》男主角為的是父母的感情破裂,而懷疑人生,懷疑生存的意義,大學畢業後,把所有的身份證明文件都消毀,把所有的身外物都拋棄,孤身出走,named as supertramper, 流浪人生,品味孤獨。
最終孤獨在荒野死去,人生大限,領悟到的是: "Happiness is only real when shared."
想起在墨西哥遇見的以色列男人, GUY, 德國小丑, MERLIN. how has the parental relationship ruined a life. some are lucky, 在大喜大悲後,重新上路; some are so-so, 堅持走自己的路,只是永遠都在逃的狀態....
If parents are also learning how to be parents, can them be more cautious, they are ruining other lives ?
Fiona 說,不明白,為什麼亞洲人會把教育看得那麼重要,好像是成績好就等於聰明,好未來...
"It is a German school.They adopt different teaching methods. they allow children to try different things. To me, the most important in life is to be happy. let them have a happy growth. If the school doesn't suit him, he will lose the interest to explore further by himself. and even gradually give up learning." She said.
18歲高中畢業後,在printing industry 工作了5年, 後來發現自己沒上大學, 好像"something is missing", 於是重投大學, 在LSE (London School of Economics) 讀的是 international relationships.
畢業後, 曾在電視台便了一會兒,可覺得不適合自己, 於是去了BBC.
"I really love Radio. TV production needs a lot of people, the entire crew. But Radio. with a mic and a recorder, I have greater freedom and flexibility."
hmmmm, follow your heart, and choose whatever you love and love whatever you choose.
cliche, but finding what you love is a hard nut to crack while taking the reality into account.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
當語言失去了它的功能, 或許音樂能為那個笨口拙舌的自己找到一個出口...
想起電影 《Up In The Air》, 當中城市的追名遂利,面對生活的無重感,生命的荒涼,不斷地去逃...
詞曲:林暐哲 演唱:張懸
收錄於 2008 Future Maker記事本
I just want to get away from me
I just want to get away from me
I just want to get away from me
I just want to get away from me
H i i i i
H i i i i
H i i i i
Hide, hide away from me
And I just want to get away from me
And I just want to get away from me
H i i i i
H i i i i
H i i i i
Hide, hide away from me
Hide, 我躲不掉我自己
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