a poem from a Friend, somehow sums up how I felt after one-week traveling
A little bit lost and a little bit blue,
Oh the things memories can do to you.
A little bit torn and a little bit used
Oh how the Present can feel like abuse
A little bit shaken and a little bit bruised
Oh how my Future seems constantly confused
剛開始了一個月的流浪, 可是有了旅行疲倦. 大概是因為每天起來,就到不同的景點去觀光朝聖, 然後回旅館.每天的一兩個 "must-go " tourist spots, 可卻仍帶有一點的 "didn't do much" 的心態, should have done more., should get most out of it 的mentality, 這種人有點累. 或許習慣了香港的'趕', 又或許是亞洲的速食文化, (和一個新加坡的女生一起浪游). 放慢腳步去過日子, 竟有點的不自在....旅行的意義...是一個很難答的問題.
想著未來, 想著前途, 心又有點的忐忑不安...