去了一個小吃站吃tacos, (Local staple food), 結帳的時候,用我那笨拙的西班牙文, 跟老闆說,
"la factura?" (the bill)
為了表現自己的有禮貌, 加了一句, "por favor".
坐在我身邊的男人開口了,大概是, 外國學生來到這裡學會的只有三個西班牙文,
1. gracias, (thank you)
2. por favor, (please)
3.la cerveza (beer)
他說得很平淡,但卻帶點嘲諷的意味. 不過, 我可不懂"la cerveza", 但我知道什麼是"martini" 和"tequila". 哈哈.
然後是去學校電腦室找技術員,問了一句, "habla ingles?" (speak english?)
他帶點憤怒地說, "no ingles, aqui Mexico." (no english, here is mexico)
去immigration office 辦學生簽證, 那裡的工作人員很少懂得英文, 甚至在monterrey air port 過海關, 那裡的工作人員也懂得不多的英文.
於是, 在3小時課的break中, 和一個墨國同學談到我的沮喪, 說了一句,
'I don't know, the Customs and the immigration office are supposed to represent Mexico, to host foreigners and shape their very first impression of Mexico. but such language barrier doesn't welcome us. '
同學無言了, 只好說, "yep, we are working on it."
看著他的困窘,我頓覺自己的失言. 什麼時候開始,我們用英文作為是進步,達標,國際化的代表?
用那一種,"我來這,是對你國家的幫忙,是看得起你的表現." , 顧客心態去消費貧窮,消費該國的紙醉金迷, 真的shame on myself.
Spanish is widely spoken in Latin America, except Brazil speaks Portuguese and Haiti speaks French.
why do they have to feel shame about their limited language?
and why shouldn't visitors/tourists like me, reflect on our ignorance over such richness and the way locals take pride on their heritage?
那種的不忿不過是為自己的無能 找代罪羔羊罷了.
話雖這麼說,如果他們能說英文的話, life will be a lot easier and of course, allowing cultural exchange a lot richer and fruitful.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
厭倦了面書的互動, 讓人在不知不覺中掉入,把自我值與回應多少/好壞掛勾,當然, 不可能丟棄面書, 不過,不會像以前那樣用很多時間去 經營.可有表達自己的需要,於是走去了TWITTER, 一年前開了, 可一直丟空著.
可能因為功課很沉悶, 於是相隔不久便寫一些. 有點可悲,但喜歡這種的隨性.
不必有人在乎,只是自說自話,又可以看很多新的資訊,簡單, 快捷.
"想寫字,寫好多好多的字. 一方面想只是孤芳自賞,另一方面又想有人知道,有人在乎,人就是這樣的矛盾.不過,擁有寫字的能力是快樂的,可以寫字是快樂的,寫字是快樂的.不用像面書 那樣,在乎著別人的反應.人是應該快樂的."
"很討厭在短時間內囫圇吞棗吃下一大堆資料, 然後不明所以地去PRESENT. 而且當中的事實根本沒有經證實. 別跟我說constraint maximization,真他媽的混帳. 又通頂了, 可沒有什麼得著. 唉..."
"終於完成了Present.一直地擔心,其實到最後, 根本是只有教授一個人在聽.雖然亂七八糟的, 不過完成了.一直覺得TEC的學生很厲害,讀萬卷書,其實讀很多書不難,一頁一頁地看就是了,看懂一本書才是難事.他們看很多,可真正讀懂的少,而且忘記 得更多.只能說是學海無涯,要好好地學."
可能因為功課很沉悶, 於是相隔不久便寫一些. 有點可悲,但喜歡這種的隨性.
不必有人在乎,只是自說自話,又可以看很多新的資訊,簡單, 快捷.
"想寫字,寫好多好多的字. 一方面想只是孤芳自賞,另一方面又想有人知道,有人在乎,人就是這樣的矛盾.不過,擁有寫字的能力是快樂的,可以寫字是快樂的,寫字是快樂的.不用像面書 那樣,在乎著別人的反應.人是應該快樂的."
"很討厭在短時間內囫圇吞棗吃下一大堆資料, 然後不明所以地去PRESENT. 而且當中的事實根本沒有經證實. 別跟我說constraint maximization,真他媽的混帳. 又通頂了, 可沒有什麼得著. 唉..."
"終於完成了Present.一直地擔心,其實到最後, 根本是只有教授一個人在聽.雖然亂七八糟的, 不過完成了.一直覺得TEC的學生很厲害,讀萬卷書,其實讀很多書不難,一頁一頁地看就是了,看懂一本書才是難事.他們看很多,可真正讀懂的少,而且忘記 得更多.只能說是學海無涯,要好好地學."
Monday, October 25, 2010
想寫很多字, 可是時間不允許. 在墨國的義工英文班, 因為不太滿意組員的不負責任,寫了一封電郵,表達自己的意見,得到的回應是,我太不近人情/通情達理, 跟其他外國學生一樣,把自己當成墨國的救世主...
當中的文化對話 讓我Emo 了一整個週未.
"To be frank, I am quite disappointed with what we did last week.
all were so impromptus, yep. we made it, and it seemed that teachers were quite involved. but what do they get in the end?
Demonstrating such teaching experience, they already have hands-on experience. some of them are working, some of them are teaching on trial.
they drive half an hour or travel for a long way, just for such class activity, If i were them, I would be frustrated.
I really hope we can be more prepared for the lecture, not only for the future of Mexican education, but also as a responsible individual. yep, all of us have different commitments. but do remember, the English Class for Normalista is one of such commitments.
(I know Mexicans don't express their 'negative' feelings openly. but I am a Hong Kong Chinese, I believe an effective communication should be knowing what each one of us thinks.)
Dear Chau,
Thanks for your suggestions and comments, even so and showing you that not all mexicans Do Not express our"negative" feelings opnely, but its because we wanna handle situations with respect and smartly, i would like to stress some points.
* I agree we need to improve our class, and i agree we can do better, but we also must cosider we are not Professinal teachers, like them, we are trying without a guide to do it.
* I dont think it´s good to go to another country and judge our commitment if you dont really know what is behind every individual, but i have noticed foreigners come to Mexico, and feel like in a zoo, judging and trying to save the word, sorry we are not those great economies, which dont have poornes, problems, or these kind of issues, But we have great thinhs, as mexicans, we are happy, more than it seems, and great feelings, and hope, and desire to improve and get that our country is a better place for us.
* And we all can frustations, things happens, but also, its our responsability to get over.
Dont take it personal, but we all have things to do, priorities, and commitments to acomplish.
Have a nice day, and thanks for contributing in MÉXICO.
Dear Daniel,
Thanks for your openness. I highly appreciate that. Which at least sheds lights on what happened the communication between two cultures.
* Professional teaching is not demanded but the heart counts.
what I am trying to point out is that as an organizer, being unprepared for the lecture is something unwanted and avoidable. it is about attitude towards the issue. Being unprofessional in terms of skills can be accepted. but being Unprofessional in ATTITUDE, that's something inexcusable.
*the previous email is nothing against Mexico or whatever you might interpret.
there may be different reasons behind actions and inactions, but most of the time, actions and inactions shape people's perceptions, and perceptions is reality.
By no means, I hold the legitimacy to present myself as a savior of Mexico. the reason for my to join voluntary program is same as I did in Hong Kong. To live and learn.
of course, it is true that 'much is given, much is expected.' to certain extent, there is a hierarchical relationship between the volunteers and the service beneficent. Yet, more important as a volunteer is, 'giving is receiving'. I am honored to be trusted by those teachers, being shared with their innermost emotions; humbled by their strength / desire, making every means possible to achieve what they want.
I don't know by which way I behave makes me to fall into your 'foreigner-self-regarded-savior' stereotype. Anyway, hereby I want to clear out that, such stereotype doesn't work for me. I absolutely agree with what you have pointed out, the positivity, the strength and element of 'Hope' have embedded into Mexicans. I am impressed, and salute for such life-fighter spirit.
Every country has its own problems, US, look at its slow discovery from the credit crunch, UK, just announced 50,000 job cutting....
By no means, Mexico has to demean itself in the face of so-called 'great economies'.
sometimes, It is the self-demeaning mentality that generates victimization.
* yes, people have different priorities, but it doesn't mean that they can forgo one which constitutes the integrity of responsibility shouldered upon.
Have a nice weekend.
He didn't reply. Instead, He wrote on his facebook status.
Mi conciencia tiene para mí más peso que la opinión de todo el mundo." Marco Tulio Cicerón.
My conscience got to me more weight than the opinion of the whole world. "Marcus Tullius Cicero.
當中的文化對話 讓我Emo 了一整個週未.
"To be frank, I am quite disappointed with what we did last week.
all were so impromptus, yep. we made it, and it seemed that teachers were quite involved. but what do they get in the end?
Demonstrating such teaching experience, they already have hands-on experience. some of them are working, some of them are teaching on trial.
they drive half an hour or travel for a long way, just for such class activity, If i were them, I would be frustrated.
I really hope we can be more prepared for the lecture, not only for the future of Mexican education, but also as a responsible individual. yep, all of us have different commitments. but do remember, the English Class for Normalista is one of such commitments.
(I know Mexicans don't express their 'negative' feelings openly. but I am a Hong Kong Chinese, I believe an effective communication should be knowing what each one of us thinks.)
Dear Chau,
Thanks for your suggestions and comments, even so and showing you that not all mexicans Do Not express our"negative" feelings opnely, but its because we wanna handle situations with respect and smartly, i would like to stress some points.
* I agree we need to improve our class, and i agree we can do better, but we also must cosider we are not Professinal teachers, like them, we are trying without a guide to do it.
* I dont think it´s good to go to another country and judge our commitment if you dont really know what is behind every individual, but i have noticed foreigners come to Mexico, and feel like in a zoo, judging and trying to save the word, sorry we are not those great economies, which dont have poornes, problems, or these kind of issues, But we have great thinhs, as mexicans, we are happy, more than it seems, and great feelings, and hope, and desire to improve and get that our country is a better place for us.
* And we all can frustations, things happens, but also, its our responsability to get over.
Dont take it personal, but we all have things to do, priorities, and commitments to acomplish.
Have a nice day, and thanks for contributing in MÉXICO.
Dear Daniel,
Thanks for your openness. I highly appreciate that. Which at least sheds lights on what happened the communication between two cultures.
* Professional teaching is not demanded but the heart counts.
what I am trying to point out is that as an organizer, being unprepared for the lecture is something unwanted and avoidable. it is about attitude towards the issue. Being unprofessional in terms of skills can be accepted. but being Unprofessional in ATTITUDE, that's something inexcusable.
*the previous email is nothing against Mexico or whatever you might interpret.
there may be different reasons behind actions and inactions, but most of the time, actions and inactions shape people's perceptions, and perceptions is reality.
By no means, I hold the legitimacy to present myself as a savior of Mexico. the reason for my to join voluntary program is same as I did in Hong Kong. To live and learn.
of course, it is true that 'much is given, much is expected.' to certain extent, there is a hierarchical relationship between the volunteers and the service beneficent. Yet, more important as a volunteer is, 'giving is receiving'. I am honored to be trusted by those teachers, being shared with their innermost emotions; humbled by their strength / desire, making every means possible to achieve what they want.
I don't know by which way I behave makes me to fall into your 'foreigner-self-regarded-savior' stereotype. Anyway, hereby I want to clear out that, such stereotype doesn't work for me. I absolutely agree with what you have pointed out, the positivity, the strength and element of 'Hope' have embedded into Mexicans. I am impressed, and salute for such life-fighter spirit.
Every country has its own problems, US, look at its slow discovery from the credit crunch, UK, just announced 50,000 job cutting....
By no means, Mexico has to demean itself in the face of so-called 'great economies'.
sometimes, It is the self-demeaning mentality that generates victimization.
* yes, people have different priorities, but it doesn't mean that they can forgo one which constitutes the integrity of responsibility shouldered upon.
Have a nice weekend.
He didn't reply. Instead, He wrote on his facebook status.
Mi conciencia tiene para mí más peso que la opinión de todo el mundo." Marco Tulio Cicerón.
My conscience got to me more weight than the opinion of the whole world. "Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
(文章本應兩星期前寫, 可是因為考試, 因為有其他活動, 拖到今天才寫)
槍擊案在monterrey越來越嚴重,10月5日的一個平凡的下午, 在校園外, 發生了槍擊, 而且更有傳言說,有炸彈襲擊. 校方立刻關閉了校門,不讓人進出. 一片人心惶惶.
第二天,學校開了一個security meeting for international students.
"we need information."
學校寄了電郵給交換生的home uni, 而交換生在兩天後收到自己大學的電郵, 才知道發生了什麼事.
"it is ridiculous. we are the students who are affected, what's the use of notifying our uni and thorough our Uni to tell us what has happened 2 days later. " an international student said,
"we need information. I was on my way to school, yet the school was closed." an other said.
"at least, we need to be informed what happened, where to stay, if the school is going to close, at least, someone should inform us beforehand."
校方發言人連聲道歉. "that's why we are holding a security meeting to inform you what's going on."
"what's the use of it? huh? same meeting on the same issue held 2 months ago. what have you done? we complained the same policy, 2 months later, it is still the same. tell me, what have you done?"
另一校方發言人嘗試去解釋, 卻自取其辱.
"Maria can testify, when it (the shooting / the close of the school entrance) happened, I was in my office, around 6 pm. I was going to bathroom before leaving. and a security guard told me there was a shooting and the school was closing the entrance.I really didn't know what happened."
"then who ordered to close the gate?"
"apparently, it is an internal bureaucratic chaos. They don't even know what they were doing. damn."
然後是, 不同的建議要求校方開放資訊. facebook page, twitter...
有人要求reliable sources, 有人覺得不可行, 有人說, "I don't mind unreliable sources, at least let me know what's going on. even false."
看著那些校方發言人的困窘, 看著那些交換生的咄咄逼人, 很他媽的超現實.
對不起, 兩方面都不想幫.
是的, 校方的bureaucracy, 真他媽的麻煩, 這個部門推那個部門, 把問題推來推去, 又不肯改, 該罵.
而某些交換生, 擺出一副 "我來這裏交流是看得起你" 的姿態, 一副高人一等的嘴臉, 真他媽的屁股眼.
最後, 校方發言人提出一個方案, 交換生可以用online 方式完成課程, 意思是,學生可以離開墨國, 至少是離開monterrey. 但他們很聰明地加了一個條件, Provided that "you have obtained all your professors' approval." 把球踢給了另一個部門.
兩星期後的今天, 那些教授面對學生的要求, 說, "我不知道, 沒有人跟我說過當中的措施'.
又或者, "you talk to my boss (the department head). if my boss says 'yes, then you can go. '"
看著這一場的鬧劇, 真的感到, 他媽的超現實.
借朋友的一句 "荒謬世界需要黑色幽默。"
槍擊案在monterrey越來越嚴重,10月5日的一個平凡的下午, 在校園外, 發生了槍擊, 而且更有傳言說,有炸彈襲擊. 校方立刻關閉了校門,不讓人進出. 一片人心惶惶.
第二天,學校開了一個security meeting for international students.
"we need information."
學校寄了電郵給交換生的home uni, 而交換生在兩天後收到自己大學的電郵, 才知道發生了什麼事.
"it is ridiculous. we are the students who are affected, what's the use of notifying our uni and thorough our Uni to tell us what has happened 2 days later. " an international student said,
"we need information. I was on my way to school, yet the school was closed." an other said.
"at least, we need to be informed what happened, where to stay, if the school is going to close, at least, someone should inform us beforehand."
校方發言人連聲道歉. "that's why we are holding a security meeting to inform you what's going on."
"what's the use of it? huh? same meeting on the same issue held 2 months ago. what have you done? we complained the same policy, 2 months later, it is still the same. tell me, what have you done?"
另一校方發言人嘗試去解釋, 卻自取其辱.
"Maria can testify, when it (the shooting / the close of the school entrance) happened, I was in my office, around 6 pm. I was going to bathroom before leaving. and a security guard told me there was a shooting and the school was closing the entrance.I really didn't know what happened."
"then who ordered to close the gate?"
"apparently, it is an internal bureaucratic chaos. They don't even know what they were doing. damn."
然後是, 不同的建議要求校方開放資訊. facebook page, twitter...
有人要求reliable sources, 有人覺得不可行, 有人說, "I don't mind unreliable sources, at least let me know what's going on. even false."
看著那些校方發言人的困窘, 看著那些交換生的咄咄逼人, 很他媽的超現實.
對不起, 兩方面都不想幫.
是的, 校方的bureaucracy, 真他媽的麻煩, 這個部門推那個部門, 把問題推來推去, 又不肯改, 該罵.
而某些交換生, 擺出一副 "我來這裏交流是看得起你" 的姿態, 一副高人一等的嘴臉, 真他媽的屁股眼.
最後, 校方發言人提出一個方案, 交換生可以用online 方式完成課程, 意思是,學生可以離開墨國, 至少是離開monterrey. 但他們很聰明地加了一個條件, Provided that "you have obtained all your professors' approval." 把球踢給了另一個部門.
兩星期後的今天, 那些教授面對學生的要求, 說, "我不知道, 沒有人跟我說過當中的措施'.
又或者, "you talk to my boss (the department head). if my boss says 'yes, then you can go. '"
看著這一場的鬧劇, 真的感到, 他媽的超現實.
借朋友的一句 "荒謬世界需要黑色幽默。"
Thursday, October 14, 2010
因為槍擊,牽涉的人命越來越廣,一直只是有關的販毒集團和警方, 這些利益者之間的爭戰, 可是最近在monterrey的槍戰已危害到一般的平民大眾.
大家都戰戰兢兢地活著, 除了把[萬事小心]掛在口中, 其實能做的也不多.
除了明顯的安全考慮外,我很佩服的幾位來自捷克的同學, 她們說,在TEC學習不了什麼, 好像是在浪費時間.
佩服她們是在文化課上, 她們的見解開了我的視野, 她們可以看到歐洲文化如何影響著拉美, 而又如何可以從現象中去看歐洲文化的墮落, 像在談巴拉圭的一個部落文化,原來當中竟有一位是捷克的貴族, 在幾年前去世了, 可是至死也保留著當中, "我是來自文明社會, 我是白人", Which can reflect the social hierarchy in latin america. 她們除了捷克語外, 還會西班牙語, 葡萄牙語, 德語, 真的很厲害.
不知道是不是因為TEC緊湊的學習時間表, 一下子喂你吃很多, 以至消化不良,不能吸收, 所以她們覺得學不到什麼,.. (大概只是我把自己投射到她們身上)所以想離開...
不過另一位同學則指出, 在這裡太多Readings了, 而教授又用測驗的方法去驅使學生閱讀, 受不了這種家長式的教育, 也不想做. 她覺得readings沒有用, 看了readings, 那上堂來幹嘛?
可是, 這不是學習的一種嗎? 你讀readings, 上課討論, 在討論中互相啟發, 她那種, 教授上堂講, spoon-feeding的 mentality又何嘗不是一種的損失? 失去了互相討論/爭辯, 互相學習的機會...
這群 twenty-something 學生又該如何去為自己定位?
大家都戰戰兢兢地活著, 除了把[萬事小心]掛在口中, 其實能做的也不多.
除了明顯的安全考慮外,我很佩服的幾位來自捷克的同學, 她們說,在TEC學習不了什麼, 好像是在浪費時間.
佩服她們是在文化課上, 她們的見解開了我的視野, 她們可以看到歐洲文化如何影響著拉美, 而又如何可以從現象中去看歐洲文化的墮落, 像在談巴拉圭的一個部落文化,原來當中竟有一位是捷克的貴族, 在幾年前去世了, 可是至死也保留著當中, "我是來自文明社會, 我是白人", Which can reflect the social hierarchy in latin america. 她們除了捷克語外, 還會西班牙語, 葡萄牙語, 德語, 真的很厲害.
不知道是不是因為TEC緊湊的學習時間表, 一下子喂你吃很多, 以至消化不良,不能吸收, 所以她們覺得學不到什麼,.. (大概只是我把自己投射到她們身上)所以想離開...
不過另一位同學則指出, 在這裡太多Readings了, 而教授又用測驗的方法去驅使學生閱讀, 受不了這種家長式的教育, 也不想做. 她覺得readings沒有用, 看了readings, 那上堂來幹嘛?
可是, 這不是學習的一種嗎? 你讀readings, 上課討論, 在討論中互相啟發, 她那種, 教授上堂講, spoon-feeding的 mentality又何嘗不是一種的損失? 失去了互相討論/爭辯, 互相學習的機會...
這群 twenty-something 學生又該如何去為自己定位?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Human Touch
終於明白當中的情緒低潮的原因, 除了M前綜合症外, 還有就是少了一種Human Touch.
這裡的人生是, 每天7點多走路上學, 上課, 上完課, 然後去圖書館用電腦, 讀Readings, 上拳擊課,上課, 放學, 回家, 吃飯...星期六去做義工, 星期日做功課...
和host mum, housemate 談一兩句, 回房, 上網, 看readings...
人是social animals, 總不能活在這種狀況下, I have the need to talk, chit-chat doesn't count. it is just, sometimes, we need time to talk about life, relationship....
Jacintha, 經常碰面, 一星期五天, 有時 run out of discussion topics, 有時想逃...
是的, 那種dispensible, 沒有價值, 不知該把心和身放在哪裡的無重感,有時叫人抓狂...
在這裡也有13個香港學生, 可他們都住宿舍, 而且因為遲了一個星期來墨國, 沒能打入他們的圈子...住host family 的兩個HKU學生, Ayo overloaded himself with 6 courses, no time for the meeting.
Luke, err...
下午, 上完課, Jacintha 陪我去買coffee, 她說, "I feel like talking to somebody." 大概是這個星期都沒怎麼交談, 我答應了她的談天邀請.
然後我們便坐在學校門口的草地上, 夕陽的餘輝灑在我們身上, 看著近處的車水馬龍, 望著遠方的天空, 想起昨天的槍擊, 談著人生, 而想起昨天附近的槍擊, 我們都不約而同地談到了死亡,
" there are gunmen lurking around, and accidentally shot us to death."我打趣.
"ha, it was such a nice death. with beautiful sunset, and to die with you. haha" she said.
她說, 在大一時, 曾成立一個society, raising money to give out scholarship for poor Indian students in her university, to run cheap tutorial classes for A-level students... she was responsible for the fund-raising.
with such mission, she came to meet the "Big Shots" in Singapore, like Lawyers, high-ranking officials, bankers, she alone raised 300,000 HK.
but with the internal power struggles in the society, the money raised was misused, and due to her outspoken personality, she was badmouthed, all her effort went un-noticed....
she has still been haunted by the feeling demoralized and discouraged from such incident....
談了40分鐘, 我去上森巴舞,很clumsy, 但出了一身汗, 正能量多了. 之後,同學說, 有一個籌款活動, 捐20 PESO, 跑3K, 再集體跳森巴...
沒有帶運動鞋, 赤腳跑...
不知怎得, 又好像生活有力了....
這裡的人生是, 每天7點多走路上學, 上課, 上完課, 然後去圖書館用電腦, 讀Readings, 上拳擊課,上課, 放學, 回家, 吃飯...星期六去做義工, 星期日做功課...
和host mum, housemate 談一兩句, 回房, 上網, 看readings...
人是social animals, 總不能活在這種狀況下, I have the need to talk, chit-chat doesn't count. it is just, sometimes, we need time to talk about life, relationship....
Jacintha, 經常碰面, 一星期五天, 有時 run out of discussion topics, 有時想逃...
是的, 那種dispensible, 沒有價值, 不知該把心和身放在哪裡的無重感,有時叫人抓狂...
在這裡也有13個香港學生, 可他們都住宿舍, 而且因為遲了一個星期來墨國, 沒能打入他們的圈子...住host family 的兩個HKU學生, Ayo overloaded himself with 6 courses, no time for the meeting.
Luke, err...
下午, 上完課, Jacintha 陪我去買coffee, 她說, "I feel like talking to somebody." 大概是這個星期都沒怎麼交談, 我答應了她的談天邀請.
然後我們便坐在學校門口的草地上, 夕陽的餘輝灑在我們身上, 看著近處的車水馬龍, 望著遠方的天空, 想起昨天的槍擊, 談著人生, 而想起昨天附近的槍擊, 我們都不約而同地談到了死亡,
" there are gunmen lurking around, and accidentally shot us to death."我打趣.
"ha, it was such a nice death. with beautiful sunset, and to die with you. haha" she said.
她說, 在大一時, 曾成立一個society, raising money to give out scholarship for poor Indian students in her university, to run cheap tutorial classes for A-level students... she was responsible for the fund-raising.
with such mission, she came to meet the "Big Shots" in Singapore, like Lawyers, high-ranking officials, bankers, she alone raised 300,000 HK.
but with the internal power struggles in the society, the money raised was misused, and due to her outspoken personality, she was badmouthed, all her effort went un-noticed....
she has still been haunted by the feeling demoralized and discouraged from such incident....
談了40分鐘, 我去上森巴舞,很clumsy, 但出了一身汗, 正能量多了. 之後,同學說, 有一個籌款活動, 捐20 PESO, 跑3K, 再集體跳森巴...
沒有帶運動鞋, 赤腳跑...
不知怎得, 又好像生活有力了....
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
life is not fair... life is not fair....
難免, 在人生低潮時, 總是抱怨很多, 怨當中的先天不足, 怨人生路比人難走...
不過, 路還是要走下去...
想起中學時一位中文老師用post-tip 寫的一段:
需多一點的信心, 多一點的智慧與更多的謙卑,去面對生命中的冷水暖流.
life is not fair... life is not fair....
難免, 在人生低潮時, 總是抱怨很多, 怨當中的先天不足, 怨人生路比人難走...
不過, 路還是要走下去...
想起中學時一位中文老師用post-tip 寫的一段:
很老生常談, 過程比結果重要.生命中充滿了許多笑與淚, 苦與樂, 你一路走來, 走得踏實, 也叫人驕傲
需多一點的信心, 多一點的智慧與更多的謙卑,去面對生命中的冷水暖流.
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